1694 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 905
That the County Commissioners of Washington County, a body
corporate, in order to provide funds for the purpose of constructing
OR ACQUIRING county office facilities in Washington County, to
purchase land therefor and equip said offices, to pay architectural
fees and other professional fees in connection with such construction,
is hereby authorized and empowered to borrow, from time to time, in
such amounts as it shall deem necessary, money on the faith and credit
of said County, and to issue therefor notes or bonds, providing that in
the aggregate said notes and bonds shall not exceed the sum of One
Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) and provided that said notes and/or
bonds shall bear a rate of interest not exceeding three per centum per
annum; and provided further that if said money or any part thereof
shall be borrowed by a note or notes, such note or notes shall be signed
by the President of the County Commissioners and the Treasurer
of Washington County and have the seal of said county affixed there-
to; and provided further that if said money or any part thereof shall
be borrowed by the sale of bonds that said bonds shall be designated
"Office Facilities Construction OR ACQUISITION Bonds of Washing-
ton County", and shall be of such denomination or denominations, call-
able or non-callable, and of such type, or form, and of such period of
maturity as the said County Commissioners of Washington County
may deem advisable, and said bonds shall be signed by the President of
said County Commissioners of Washington County and the Treasurer of
said County and have the corporate seal of said Washington County
affixed thereto, and the principal amount of said bonds and the in-
terest payable thereon shall be and remain exempt from taxation by
the State of Maryland and by the counties and municipalities of said
State; provided further that if any such bonds shall be sold the pro-
visions of Article 31, Sections 10 and 11, of the Annotated Code of
Maryland (1957 Edition, as amended from time to time) shall be
complied with.
Sec 2. And be it further enacted, That the proceeds of such notes
and/or of the proceeds from the sale of such bonds shall be placed
in a special fund by the County Treasurer and shall be paid out by
him only on warrants from the County Commissioners of Washington
County for such expenditures as it shall deem to be proper, in the
sole discretion of said Board, for constructing OR ACQUIRING coun-
ty office facilities in Washington County, to purchase land therefor
and equip such offices, and to pay architectural and other profession-
al fees in connection with such construction.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That for the purpose of paying the
interest on said notes and/or bonds and for redeeming said notes
and/or bonds as they mature, the County Commissioners of Wash-
ington County shall annually levy such tax upon the assessable
property of said county as may be necessary to pay the annual in-
terest on said notes and/or bonds and to redeem said notes and/or
bonds as they become due until all of said notes and/or bonds shall
have matured and been redeemed. The taxes so levied shall be col-
lected in the same manner as other taxes are levied and collected in
said County.
Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1961.
Approved May 8, 1961.