ter 804 of the Acts of 1959, allowing certain appropriations in the
1957 and 1959 State General Construction Loans for the acquisi-
tion of land on South Mountain for use as a watershed conserva-
tion area to be used for a recreational facility or park incidental
to the watershed conservation area, and to correct an error therein.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Section 5 of Chapter 532 of the Acts of 1957 and Section
5(F)(1)(L) of Chapter 804 of the Acts of 1959 be and they are
hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments, to read as follows:
5. And be it further enacted, That the actual cash proceeds of the
sale of the Certificates of Indebtedness to be issued under this Act
shall be paid to the Treasurer of the State upon the warrant of the
Comptroller and such proceeds shall be used exclusively for the fol-
lowing purposes, to wit:
The Comptroller shall immediately, upon the sale of and payment
for said certificates, first, return to and credit the Treasury for a sum
equivalent to the amount expended as provided for in Section 4 of
this Act; the remainder of the proceeds of said loan shall be credited
on the books of the State Treasury Department, to be expended as
needed by the State, upon approval by the Board of Public Works
for the following needs, purposes and projects, and amounts listed
below being intended to include Architects' and Engineers' fees
where applicable:
Board of Public Works:
Improvements to the heating sys-
tems in the State House and
Court of Appeals buildings in
Annapolis ....................................$122,000
To supplement the appropriation
for the State Office Building in
Baltimore City, as shown on
page 276 of the Acts of 1956......2,200,000
To supplement the appropriation
for the State Office Building in
Annapolis, except that it may
not be constructed on the site
now occupied by the National
Guard Armory on Bladen Street 300,000
Improvements to the grounds sur-
rounding the State House in An-
napolis .......................................... 60,000
Installation of air conditioning in
court room, office of the clerk,
conference room, and State li-
brary in Court of Appeals
building........................................ 25,500