1668 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 901
with the issue of the same, and the entire balance of said actual cash
proceeds, together with any interest that may be received on the
same, shall be retained by the County Treasurer of Caroline County
until needed for the purpose of building new school-houses, the con-
struction of additions to existing school-houses, or altering or repair-
ing the same, and for equipping such new or existing school-houses, or
for architects and other professional fees in connection with said
buildings, alterations, repairs and equipment as in this Act herein-
before specified.
Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That in the event that any of
the persons designated to sign said bonds be unable for any reason
to do so, the County Commissioners shall by Resolution authorize
the execution thereof by some other member or officer, and such
execution shall be valid and sufficient for all purposes as if the bonds
had been executed by the person or persons originally designated
herein. Should any person signing said bonds die or become in-
capacitated, or should he cease to be an officer or a commissioner,
before the delivery of the bonds, such signature shall nevertheless
be valid and sufficient for all purposes and shall be equally effective
to bind the County Commissioners of Caroline County as if delivery
had been made before such death, incapacity, or expiration, or other
termination of the term of office.
Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall be deemed
to provide an additional and alternative method for the doing of
things authorized and shall be regarded as supplemental and ad-
ditional to powers conferred by other laws, and shall not be re-
garded as in derogation of any powers now existing. This Act, being
necessary for the welfare of the inhabitants of Caroline County, shall
be liberally construed to effect the purposes hereof. All Acts and
parts of Acts, however, inconsistent with the provisions of this Act,
are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency.
Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That the Board of Education of
Caroline County, with the prior approval of the Board of County Com-
missioners of Caroline County, is hereby authorized and empowered
to enter into all contracts (including architects, contractors and
builders, equipment dealers, or others) necessary in the execution
and completion of the projects for which said bonds are sold, or other
certificates of indebtedness issued and to do all acts or things neces-
sary to carry out the powers conferred by this Section from time to
Sec. 10. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1961.
Approved May 8, 1961.