meetings of the board of examiners the modes and times of electing officers, filling up vacancies
in the medical board, and to do and perform fuch other things as may be require for carrying
this act into execution, and which may not be repugnant to the conftitution and laws of this ftate,
or the United States.
C H A P.
An ACT refpecting writs of habeas corpus.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the feveral county courts in this
ftate, during their refpective fittings, and at all other times the chief juftice of the feveral
diftricts refpectively, be and they are hereby authorifed and empowered, upon application, to
iffue their writ of habeas corpus, and caufe to be brought before them, any perfon or perfons who
are or fhall be in confinement within their refpective jurifdictions, and to inquire into the eafe
of fuch confinement, and either difcharge, admit to bail, or commit fuch perfon or perfon, as
the cafe may require, in the fame manner as is now practifed by the judges of the general court.
Paffed Jan. 20.
Courts, &c.
may iffue writs,
An ACT for the promotion of literature in this ftate.
WHEREAS the eftablifhment and promotion of literary inftitutions for the liberal education
of youth, under proper regulations, in different parts of this ftate, would have beneficial
effects in training up and continuing a fucceffion of able and virtuous characters for difcharging
the various offices and duties of public and private life ;
Paffed Jan, 20.
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the fum of five hundred pounds,
part of the fum heretofore appropriated to Wafhington college, fhall be and the fame is hereby
discontinued, after the firft day of May next.
Sum difconti-
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore fhall be for ever
authorifed and required to pay annually, on or before the firft day of June, to the fe
naries of learning herein after renumerated, in the following proportions, to wit: To
and truftees of Wafhington academy, in Somerfet county, or to their order, the fum of eight
hundred dollars; to John Feldonfon, Nicholas Hammond, Samuel Chamberlaine, Thomas J.
Bullett, William Hayward, Ennells Martin and Stephen Theodore Johnfon, and their fucceffors,
as truftees for the ufe of an academy to be eftablifhed in Talbot county, eight hundred dollars
to the prefident and truftees of Charlotte-Hall fchool, or to their order, eight hundred dol-
lars; to the vifitors and truftees of the Frederick county fchool, or to their order, eight hun-
dred dollars.
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That Charles Ridgely, of Hampton, Harry Dorfey Gough, Thomas
Cockey, of Thomas, John Tolly Worthington, Patrick Allifon. doctor John Carroll, doctor John
Archer, Jeffe Jarrett, Nicholas Day M'Comas, James Bond, doctor Jacob Hall and doctor Tho-
mas H. Berckhead, be and hereby are appointed truftees for an academy to be erected in Balti-
more or Harford county, and that the faid truftees fhall locate, erect and fuperintend, the faid
academy, in the fame manner that other truftees are authorifed to do under the provifions of this
act ;. and the faid truftees are hereby authorifed to receive from the treafurer of the western
fhore the fum of eight hundred dollars annually, at the feveral times on which the truftees for
other academies instituted under this act are entitled to receive the fame, and the faid monies,
when received, to apply, in their difcretion, towards the purchafe of grounds for the fite of
faid academy building the fame, or payment of tutors therein employed; and the faid truftees
are alfo authorifed to receive, by donation, any lands or tenements for the ufe and benefit of faid
fchool, provided the fame are not in extent more than fifty acres, or perfonal property in amount
not more than two thoufand pounds.
Treafurer to
pay, &c.
V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the vifitors and directors of each of the fchools aforefaid fhall
annually, on or before the twenty-fifth day of November in each year, return to the general
affembly, an account of all fums by them received in virtue of this act, the names of the perfons
to whom paid, for what ufe, as alfo a ftate of their refpective fchools, the name of the teacher
or teachers engaged, and the number and names of the fcholars actually at faid fchools, under
the penalty of a forfeiture of their donations refpectively upon a failure of making the return as
Vifitors to re-
turn an account
annually, &c.
An ACT declaring what fhall be evidence in certain cafes therein mentioned.
WHERE AS copies of the proceedings of the governor and council, or of the treafury, or
of the office of the auditor, are not receivable as evidence: And whereas it is inexpedient
that civil officers of government fhould be frequently obliged to leave their offices and attend to
give evidence of matters relating to their offices;
Paffed Jan. 20.
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That a copy of any of the books,
papers, entries, or proceedings, of the governor and council, attefted by the clerk of the coun-
cil, and alfo a copy of any of the books, papers, entries and proceedings, of the treafury, at-
tefted by the treafurer, and alfo a copy of any of the books, papers, entries and proceedings of
the office, of the auditor of the ftate, attefted by the auditor, and alfo a copy of any or the books,
papers, entries and proceedings in poffeffion of the regifter of the land-office, not being matter
of record, and by him attefted, fhall be received in evidence in any court of law or equity, or
before any judge, juftice or other tribunal in this ftate, in the fame manner, and to have the
fame effect, as if the original books, papers, entries or proceedings, were themfelves produced;
provided the faid , fo attefted, are fworn to be true copies by the perfons refpectively at-
tefting them.
to be received,