Elmore and George Lytle, of Baltimore county, Bailey Wafhington and Mary Sweeney, of
Prince George's county, Jofeph Everitt and Nathaniel Bailey, of Queen-Anne's county, John
Bult, Frederick M'Comas and Daniel Amofs, of Harford county, Patrick Goulding, John Gould-
ing, Andrew Goulding, Thomas Goulding, Thomas Jenkins, James Walker, Joel Weft, Jonathan
Sellman, Sarah Dafhiell and Oliver Pomponeau, of the city of Baltimore, Jacob Earhart, of
Wafhington county, John Fleming, Thomas Nicholls, of John, Townfend W. Hunt and Richard
Forreft, of Montgomery county, Thomas Gaffaway, of Allegany county, in as full and ample
manner as if they had been feverally mentioned in the faid act, provided that they feverally com-
ply with the provifions of the fame.
C H A P.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That in cafe the chancellor fhall be fatisfied, by affidavit or other-
wife, that any truftee by him appointed for the benefit of the creditors of an infolvent debtor
hath left the ftate, and that the creditors are likely to fuffer lofs in confequence thereof, the
chancellor may, on the application of any of the creditors, appoint any perfon to take into his
care and cuftody any property of the insolvent which may be within the ftate, and retain the
fame until further order; and when the chancellor fhall appoint a perfon to take charge as afore-
faid, he fhall alfo pafs an order, to be publifhed at lean three times in fame convenient news-
paper, calling upon the truftee to appear before him within a time limitted, not lefs than two
months from the firft publication, and render an account of his proceedings as truftee, and if
the faid truftee fhall not appear agreeably to fuch order duly published, the chancellor fhall have
power immediately to appoint another truftee in the room of the abfent truftee.
Chancellor, on
, to
appoint a per-
fon, &c.
A Further additional fupplementary act to the act, entitled, An act for quieting
poffeffions, enrolling conveyances, and fecuring the eftates of purchasers.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That, all and every deed, limitation or
conveyance of lands, of whatfoever kind or nature it may be, required by the laws of this
ftate to be acknowledged and recorded, executed by nonrefidents, fhall be acknowledged within
the following time, viz. If made by a perfon or perfons refidents without the United States, it
fhall and may be acknowledged in the manner and form as fet forth in the original act to which
this is a fupplement, within eighteen months after the time of execution of fuch deed, limitation
or conveyance; if executed by a refident without the ftate of Maryland, but within the United
States, the fame fhall be acknowledged within fix months after the time of execution.
Paffed Jan. 20.
deeds are to be
An ACT to authorife the juftices of the levy court of Prince-George's county
to levy a fum of money on the affeffable property of faid county for the pur-
pofes therein mentioned.
WHEREAS it is reprefented to this general affembly, by the petition of the juftices and
fundry inhabitants of faid county, that the court-houfe in faid county is in a ruinous ftate,
and that there is no public gaol in faid county; therefore,
Paffed Jan. 20.
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the general Affembly of Maryland, That it fhall and may be lawful for the
juftices of the levy court for Prince-George's county for the time being, and they are hereby au-
thorifed and empowered, to levy on the affeffable property, except that part of the territory of
Columbia laid out for the city of Wafhington, in faid county, by two equal affeffments, a fum of
money not exceeding twelve thoufand dollars, which fums fo affeffed fhall be collected by the
collectors of the county aforefaid as other levies are collected, and paid to the juftices of the levy
court for the time being for Prince-George's county, who are hereby authorifed and empowered
to apply the fame, at their difcretion, to the repairing the old court-houfe in faid county, or to
the building a new court-houfe in faid county, and to the building of a gaol in faid county, and
to no other purpofe whatever.
Juftices to levy
III, AND BE IT ENACTED, That the juftices of the levy court of the faid county for the time
being fhall contract; with fuch perfons as they may think proper, or authorife any two of faid
juftices to contract, in any manner they may think beft, for the building a new court-houfe, or
repairing the old court-houfe, and for the building a public gaol, in faid county, and fhall take
from the perfon or perfons contriving with fuch juftices fufficient fecurity, in double the fum,
for the performance of his or their contract; and in cafe the faid juftices fhould think it beft to
build a new court-houfe, they are hereby authorifed and empowered to difpofe of the old court-
houfe in fuch manner as they may think beft, applying the proceeds of the fame to the building
the new court-houfe and gaol in faid county.
And contract
for building a
C H A P. CV.
An ACT to eftablifh and incorporate a medical and chirurgical faculty or fociety
Paffed Jan. 20.
in the ftate of Maryland.
WHEREAS it appears to the general affembly of Maryland, that the eftablifhment and in-
corporation of a medical and chirurgical faculty or fociety of phyficians and furgeons in
the faid ftate will be attended with the moft beneficial and falutary confequences, by promoting
and diffeminating medical and chirurgical knowledge throughout the ftate, and may m future pre-
vent the citizens thereof from rifking their lives in the hands of ignorant practitioners or pre-
tenders to the healing art; therefore.
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That Guftavus Brown, William Lanf-
dale, Barton Tabbs, Elijah Jackfon and William H. Roach, of Saint-Mary's county, James M. An-
derfon, junior, Morgan Browne, junior, Edward Scott, Robert Geddes and Edward Warrell,
of Kent county, Charles Alexander Warfield, Richard Hopkins, Wilfon Waters, Thomas Noble
Perfons incor-
porated, &c.