C H A P.
Matthews, William Ward, John Ramfey, Alexander Stuart, John Thomas, William Gleaves,
Auguftine Boyer, Thomas Harris and James Pearce, be and they are hereby erected into a cor-
poration, by the name of The Truftees of George-town School, for the purpofes of receiving,
holding and directing funds for the benefit of faid fchool, and managing the intereft and con-
cerns thereof; which faid perfons, fo nominated truftees for George-town fchool, and their fuc-
ceffors, to he appointed in the manner herein after prescribed, fhall and are hereby declared to
be one community, corporation and body politic, to have continuation for ever, by the name of
The Truftees of George-town School, and by that name to fue and be fued, implead or be im-
pleaded, and to make and have a common feal, and the fame to break, alter or renew, when
and fo often as they fhall think fit.
How vacancies
are to be filled.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the a fore faid truftees and their fucceffors, or a majority of
them, fhall, at any and at all times, upon the death, refignation, or removal from the counties of
Kent and Caecil, of any one or more of the truftees, appoint other fenfible and difcreet man or
men of the faid counties to be the truftee or truftees to fill the vacancy created by the death,
refignation or removal, as aforefaid.
Truftees to
make ordi-
nances, &c.
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the faid truftees, and their fucceffors, or a majority of them,
fhall have full power and authority to make fundamental ordinances for the government of the
fchool or feminary aforefaid, and the education of the youth, and to appoint fuch perfon or
perfons as they, or a majority of them, may think proper, to be teacher or teachers of the faid
Meet twice in
each year, &c.
V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the faid truftees, and their fucceffors, or a majority of them,
fhall meet at leaft twice in each year, at fuch times as fhall be appointed by their own ordinances,
in order to examine the progrefs of the ftudents and fcholars, and to hear and determine on all
complaints and appeals, and all matters touching the difcipline of the feminary, and the good
and wholefome execution of their ordinances, on all which occafions a majority at leaft of the
truftees fhall compofe a quorum.
And may bold
property, &c.
VI. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the faid truftees, and their fucceffors, may hold and enjoy,
and that they may be apt and capable in law for taking, holding and enjoying, all lands, tene-
ments, rents, fervices, portions, annuities and penfions, with all other inheritances, franchifes
and poffeffions whatfoever, of the gift of any perfon whatsoever that is willing to beftow them,
for the ufe of the fchool aforefaid, or any other gifts, grants, affignments, legacies or donations,
of any and all kinds whatever, for the ufe and benefit of faid fchool.
Paffed Jan. 16.
Chancellor to
have certain
powers, &c.
A Supplement to the ad, entitled, An act for the relief of Jofeph Forreft, of
George-town, Patowmack, and Thomas Earle, of Queen-Anne's county,
WHEREAS the act to which this is a fupplement gives no power or authority to the chan-
cellor to bring Jofeph Forreft and Thomas Earle, or either of them, before him, in cafe
either of the faid perfons fhould be imprifoned at the time of exhibiting his or their petition,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the chancellor have and poffefs
the fame powers and authorities in relation to the faid perfons, or either of them, as are given
to the chancellor in certain cafes under the ninth fection of the act, entitled, An act for the re-
lief of fundry infolvent debtors, paffed at the prefent feffion of affembly.
Paffed Jan. 16.
An ACT to lay out and eftablifh a road from the city of Annapolis to the city
of Washington, and to repeal the act therein mentioned.
WHEREAS by a refolve of the general affembly, paffed at November feffion, one thoufand
feven hundred and ninety-fix, commiffioners were authorifed and empowered to examine
the fituation of the country between the city of Wafhington and the city of Annapolis, and af-
cevtain and determine the direction and pofition of the neareft, moft convenient and practicable
road, that could be laid off between the faid two places, and report the fame, with a plot there-
of, to the next general affembly: And whereas the faid commiffioners have undertaken and com-
pleted the fame, and returned a plot of the faid road, and it appearing from the plot, that the
faid commiffioners have carried the road in fuch a direction that it will pafs over the Eaftern
Branch, one mile, or thereabouts, above the ferry kept by Matthew Wigfield, at a place where
it will be neceffary to make a caufeway at a confiderable expence; and it alfo appearing that the
faid road will more certainly, and with more expedition, be brought into ufe, if the location
thereof fhould be altered, fo that the fame may pafs over at the ferry kept by Matthew Wigfield;
appointed, &c.
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That Thomas Duckett, Levi Gantt
and Jacob Duckett, of Prince-George's county, and William Harwood, Leonard Sellman, Edward
Hall and James Williams, of Anne-Arundel county, fhall be and are hereby appointed commif-
fioners of faid road, and that they, or any four of them, be and are hereby authorifed to alter
the location of faid road, fo that the fame fhall pafs over the Eaftern Branch at the ferry kept
by Matthew Wigfield as aforefaid, and when the direction fhall be altered, the faid commiffion-
ers, or any four of them, may and fhall caufe the plot of faid road to correfpond with fuch
Who are to o-
pen a road, &c.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the faid commiffioners, or any four of them, are hereby au-
thorifed and empowered to open, clear and grub faid road, not exceeding thirty feet wide; and
the faid road, fo opened, cleared and grubbed, fhall be recorded among the records of Anne-