the fame fhall not be annulled, abridged or altered, in any manner, except, by an act of the le-
giflature of this ftate.
IX. AND, whereas by deed, bearing date on or about the twenty-third day of Auguft, feventeen
hundred and ninety-feven, and enrolled among the records of Caroline county, it appears, that
a certain John Hardcaftle, junior, of Talbot county, did make a donation to Francis Sellers,
William Smith, Valentine Green, Henry Nichols, the third, and Samuel Barrow, as truftees of
Hillsborough fchool, of all that lot of ground fituate in the village of Hillfborough, being part
of a tract of land called Hackett's Garden, for the humane purpofe of erecting thereon the
fchool-houfe herein before mentioned, and it being juft and right, and confiftent with the defire
of the faid truftees, that the faid lot of ground fhould be vefted in the truftees, appointed under
C H A P.
this act; therefore, BE IT ENACTED, That the title to the faid lot of ground, as fet forth and
defined in faid deed, be and is hereby vefted in the truftees before mentioned, as completely, to
all intents and purpofes, as if the faid deed had been made fubfequent to the paffage of this act.
Title vefted,
A Supplement to the act; for the eftablifhment and regulation of levy courts in the
feveral counties of this ftate.
Paffed Jan. 15.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the governor and council be autho-
rifed and required annually to appoint and commiffion for each county in this ftate, feven of
the moft difcreet and beft qualified perfons of the faid county, from the lift of thofe annually
commiffioned as juftices of the peace, who fhall be ftyled in the commiffion Juftices of the Levy
Court of fuch county, and who fhall be difperfed as equally as may be through the county; and
that in cafe any vacancy fhall happen in any of the faid courts by refufal to act, death, removal
out of the county, refignation or difqualification, the governor and council fee authorifed and re-
quired from time to time to fupply fuch vacancy.
Seven perfons
to be appointed
in each county,
II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the governor and council fhall appoint eleven juftices of the
peace as juftices of the levy court for Baltimore county, four of whom fhall be refident in the
city of Baltimore, and the remaining feven refident in the county, any thing in this act to the
contrary notwithftanding.
And eleven for
Baltimore, &c.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the juftices of the levy courts aforefaid, or a majority of them,
fhall be and are hereby inverted with all powers which the juftices of the peace of faid counties
have had at their refpective meetings as levy courts of their faid counties.
Their powers,
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That no member of the general affembly, or commiffioner of the
tax, fhall be appointed under this act.
Who fhall not
be appointed.
V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That each of the juftices of the levy courts aforefaid fhall have and
receive, as a compenfation for his fervices, the fum of two dollars, and no more, for every day
he fhall attend the duty of his office, the faid allowance to be affeffed and levied as other county
VI. AND BE IT ENACTED, That no juftice of the peace of any of the feveral counties of this
ftate, other than thofe juftices appointed and commiffioned by virtue of this act, fhall have or
exercife any of the powers given to the juftices of the levy courts to be appointed and commiffi-
oned in virtue of this act, any law to the contrary notwithftanding.
VII. This act to continue and be in force until the twentieth day of October, one thoufand,
eight hundred and one, and until the end of the next feffion of affembly that fhall happen there-
No juftice of
the peace fhall
exercife certain
An ACT to authorife and empower the levy court of Harford county, at their
difcretion, to levy a fum of money for the purpofe therein mentioned.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the levy court of Harford county
be and they are hereby authorifed and empowered, at their difcretion, to levy a fum of
money, not exceeding feven hundred and fifty dollars, for the ufe of Gilbert Jones, as a further
compenfation for the building and completing the poor-houfe in faid county, to be collected,
when levied, as other county charges, and to be paid to the faid Gilbert Jones according to the
order of faid court.
Paffed Jan. 15,
Juftices to levy
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act to eftablith and regulate a market at
Bridge-town, in Kent county, and for other purpofes therein mentioned.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That from and after the firft day of March
next, if any fwine fhall be feized and impounded by virtue of the act to which this is a fup-
plement, it fhall and may be lawful, until the faid market-houfe fhall be finifhed, to give notice
thereof at any one of the public houfes in the faid town, or Sand-town, in Queen-Anne's coun-
ty, for five days fucceffively, which notice fhall be of the fame effect and validity as if the fame
had been given in the manner prefcribed by the faid act to which this is a fupplement.
Paffed Jan. 15.
Notice to be
given of fwine
feized, &c.
II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the privilege of voting for commiffioners, given and granted
by the act to which this is a fupplement to the inhabitants of Bridge-town, in Kent county, fhall
be, and he is hereby declared to be, extended to the inhabitants of Sand-town, in Queen-Anne's
Privilege ex-