C H A P.
a body politic and corporate, by the name, ftyle and title, of The Committee of the Baptift
Church in the City of Baltimore, and by the fame name fhall have perpetual fucceffion, and fhall
be able to fue or be fued, to implead and be impleaded, in any court of law or equity in this
date, or elfewhere, and to make and ufe a common feal, and the fame to break, alter or renew,
at their pleafure, and alfo to ordain and eftablifh fuch by-laws and ordinances as to them fhall
appear neceffary for regulating and managing the temporal concerns of the faid church, not re-
pugnant, to this act, to the laws of the ftate, or of the United States, and for promoting litera-
ture in the faid church.
Succeffors, how
to be chofen,
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the fucceffors of the prefent committee fhall be chofen in the
following manner, viz. The male members of the faid church may and fhall meet at their meet-
ing-houfe, or fuch other place in the city of Baltimore as may be appointed by the faid corpora-
tion, on the firft Monday in May, or any other Monday of the fame month, in the year eighteen
hundred, and they may and fhall continue to meet in like manner on the firft Monday of May, or
any other Monday of the fame month, every year thereafter, of which meetings due notice fhall
always be given by the prefident of the faid corporation for the time being, on the forenoon of
the two feveral Sunday next preceding the day of fuch meeting, at the place where public wor-
fhip is ufually performed by the faid church, and then and there they, or fo many of them as may
attend, fhall elect, viva voce, five lay members of the faid church as a committee, who fhall
continue to act as fuch for one year, and until others fhall be elected in their room.
How vacancies
are to be filled.
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That in cafe of the death, removal or resignation, of any lay mem-
ber of the faid body corporate, the remaining members thereof, or a majority of them, fhall have
full power and authority, at their next or any fubfequent meeting, to elect another perfon in his
Lands vefted,
V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all the lands and tenements, with their appertenances, now
held in truft for the ufe of the faid church or congregation, and all other property of the faid
church or congregation, fhall be and hereby are abfolutely and unconditionally vefted in the faid
body corporate, and their fucceffors, for ever; and the faid corporation, (with the confent of a
majority of the members thereof,) "are hereby declared to be capable of bargaining and felling,
leafing and conveying, any part of the faid property, or any other property which may hereafter
be acquired by the faid corporation, in as full, ample and effectual a manner, us any moral per-
fon or body corporate may or can do.
Minister to
prefide, &c.
VI. AND BE IT ENACTED, That at all meetings of the faid corporation the minifter for the
time being fhall prefide, and in cafe of the abfence, removal or death, of the minifter, the lay
members of the corporation may appoint one of their own body prefident pro tempore, who, during
fuch abfence, or in the cafe of removal or death until the appointment of another minifter, fhall
have all the privileges and authority of the prefident.
Prefident to ap-
point perfons,
VII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the prefident fhall nominate and appoint three perfons to be
the judges of each and every election that fhall or may be held for electing the lay members of the
faid corporation, and that fuch nomination and appointment fhall be made a reafonable time
before every fuch election.
Acts to be fign-
ed, &c.
VIII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all acts or deeds of the faid corporation fhall be figned by
the prefident in behalf of the body corporate, and fealed with the corporate feal, and ail deeds
by the body corporate, for the conveyance of lands and tenements, which by the laws of the
ftate ought to be recorded, fhall be figned and fealed as afore faid, and fhall alfo be acknowledged
in due form by the prefident, as fuch, in behalf of the corporation; and all acts or deeds of the
faid body corporate, fo authenticated, fhall be valid and effectual in law.
Account to be
rendered, &c.
IX. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the prefent committee of the faid church, and each and every
fucceeding committee that fhall be chofen in virtue of this act, fhall, within a reafonable time
after each election for the committee, render to their fucceffors refpectively an exact account of
all the monies by them, had and received, difburfed and paid away, on account of the corporation,
together with a general account of their tranfactions, and ftatement of the concerns of the in-
ftitution, and fhall moreover pay, hand over and deliver up, to their fucceffors refpectively, the
balance of all monies remaining unexpended in their hands, together with the books of account
of the corporation, and all notes, bonds, and other evidences of debt thereunto belonging, or in
anywife appertaining.
may purchafe,
X. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the faid corporation fhall be able and capable hereafter to
purchafe, receive, hold and enjoy, any eftate, real, perfonal or raised, not exceeding fix thou-
fand dollars.
Paffed Jan. 15.
An ACT for the relief of Philip Edwards, of Baltimore county.
WHEREAS Philip Edwards, of Baltimore county, has ftated to this general affembly his
inability to pay his debts, and has petitioned for an act to releafe him therefrom upon
giving up all Ins property to the ufe of his creditors: And whereas the faid Philip Edwards,
being an officer in the navy of the United States, is liable, from the military arrangements, to
be called out of this ftate, which juftifies a diftinction of his cafe from others who have petitioned
for fimilar acts;
Oath to be
taken, &c.
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That in cafe the faid Philip Edwards
fhall, before fome juftice of the peace for the county where he refides, make and fubfcribe the
following oath, to wit: I, Philip Edwards, do fwear, or affirm, that I will deliver up, convey