Be it enacted by the General Affembly of Maryland, That all real and per-
fonal property in this ftate, except property belonging to this ftate, or the
United States, houfes for public worfhip, burying grounds, or property
belonging to any county, or to any college, or to any county fchool, and except
alfo the crop and produce of the land in the hands of the perfon whofe land pro-
duced the fame, and provifions neceffary for the ufe and confumption of the per-
fon to whom the fame fhall belong, and his family, for the year, and plantation
utenfils, the working tools of mechanics and manufacturers, actually and con-
ftantly employed in their refpective occupations, wearing apparel, goods, wares
and merchandife, and all home made manufactures in the hands of the manu-
facturers, all ftills, all ready money, all grain and tobacco, all licenfed veffels
whatever above twenty tuns burthen, and all riding carriages, fhall be valued
agreeably to the directions of this act, and fhall be chargeable according to fuch
valuation with the public affeffment.
Property to
be valued,
II. And be it enacted, That five fenfible, difcreet and experienced perfons,
fhall be appointed in each county of this ftate, who fhall be called Commiffioners
of the Tax, and they, or any three or more of them, fhall be the commiffioners
for the county for which they fhall feverally be appointed; and five perfons as
aforefaid fhall be appointed, and called Commiffioners of the Tax for the City of
Baltimore, for the fame time; provided, that no clergyman, practifing attorney
or phyfician, fheriff, clerk of the general or any county court, ordinary keeper,
mariner or infpector, fhall be appointed a commiffioner or affeffor.
III. And be it enacted, That the following perfons fhall be and are hereby
appointed commiffioners for the feveral and refpective counties of this ftate, and
for the city of Baltimore, to wit: For Saint-Mary's county, Richard Bond,
Philip Ford, George Plater, John Armftrong and Thomas Attaway Reeder;
for Kent county, Richard Tilghman, the fourth, Vincent Hatchefon, Benjamin
Chambers, Nathaniel Comegys and Richard Ricard; for Anne-Arundel county,
William Hall, the third, James Difney, Thomas Worthington, John Brice and
Richard Cromwell; for Charles county, Alexander M'Pherfon, Richard Bennet
Mitchell, Benjamin Douglafs, James Freeman and John Mitchell; for Calvert
county, Jofeph Williamfon, Thomas Mackall, Frederick Skinner, Thomas Gray
and Frisby Freelands, of Baltimore county, Charles Carnan, William M'Kubbin,
Zachariah M'Kubbin, William Gwinn and Francis Snowden; for Talbot coun-
Samuel Chamberlaine, Henry Banning, Samuel Dickinfon, Henry Nicols
and Hugh Sherwood; for Somerfet county, John Leatherbury, fenior, William
Cottman, of Benjamin, John Dafhiell, fenior, Thomas Handy, of Sewell, and
George Waters; for Dorchefter county, Henry Hooper, Q. S. Richard Pattifon,
John E. Geft, Levin Woolford and George Ward; for Caecil county, Hezekiah
Ford, John Gilpin, Henry Pearce, James Mackey, fenior, and Robert Evans ;
Prince-George's county, David Craufurd, Richard Duckett, fenior, Ofborn
Sprigg, Clement Hill and Robert Bowie; for Queen-Anne's county, Arthur
Emory, Robert Walters, James R. Blunt, Richard, E. Harrifon and Philip
Fiddeman; for Worcefter county, Thomas Martin, fenior, Samuel Handy,
Philip Quinton, John Pope Mitchell and Edward Henry; for Frederick county,
Jofhua Howard, John Gwinn, Thomas Hawkins, Peter Mantz and Thomas
Beatty; for Harford county, Thomas Johnfon, William Wilfon, Jeffe Jarrett,
John Weftern and Henry Richardfon; for Caroline county, Francis Sellers,
Thomas Mafon, fenior, John Hardefton, Valentine Green and Thomas Hugh-
lett; for the city of Baltimore, William Goodwin, fenior, Thomas Elliott,
Nicholas Rogers, George Salmon Peter Sharpe; for Wafhington county, Alex-
andre Clagett, Martin Kerfhner, Matthew Vanlear, William Good and Rezin Da-
vis; for Montgomery county, Thomas Cramphin, William Holmes, Thomas
Davis, Richard Wootton and Allen Bowie; for Allegany county, Hanfon Brif-
coe, John Read, Aquila A. Brown, John H. Bayard and Thomas Crefap.
ers to be ap-
pointed, &c.
Their names.