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Session Laws, 1797
Volume 652, Page 62   View pdf image
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L A W S of M A R Y L A N D,

C H A P.

or oxen, not exceeding two cents per mile; for every horfe and rider, not ex-
ceeding one cent per mile; for every fingle horfe, camel, afs or mule, not ex-
ceeding one half cent per mile; and for black cattle, each not exceeding two
milles per mile and for every fcore of fheep or hogs, not exceeding two cents
per mile; and provided, that the faid laft mentioned tolls fhall not be laid on
any part of the faid road as fhall not be made and completed in the manner
herein before directed, and that the faid turnpike gates next adjacent to the city
of Baltimore, Frederick-town, Elizabeth-town or Williams-Port, fhall not be
nearer to the faid towns refpectively than one mile; and provided, that all per-
fons, their waggons, carts, carriages or animals, herein before enumerated,
paffing the faid toll-gates next adjacent to the city of Baltimore, Frederick-town,
Elizabeth-town or Williams-Port, fhall not be fubject to pay any further toll on
the faid road for the diftance of ten miles from the faid gates refpectively than
the tolls thereat eftablifhed, nor fhall any perfon or perfons, his, her or their
waggons, carts, carriages or animals, be compelled to pay the faid tolls for
paffing the faid feveral and refpective gates on the faid road more than once in
twenty-four hours; and no tolls fhall be exacted or received by the faid com-
pany, or their agents, in any other cafes than thofe herein before fpecified,

Road, &c.
vefted in the


XVI. And be it enacted, That the faid road and tolls fhall be and are hereby
veiled in the faid corporation, and their fucceffors, for ever; provided always,
that the faid corporation fhall be obliged to keep the faid road in good repair ;
and provided farther, that whenfoever, at any time after the expiration of fixty
years from the eftablifhing and completing of the faid road, it fhall feem expe-
dient to the legiflature to make the faid road and tolls fo eftablifhed and made the
property of the ftate, by a law to be enacted for that purpofe, three commiffioners
fhall be appointed by the legiflature on the part of the ftate, and three by the
corporation aforefaid, who, or any four or more of them, fhall examine the ac~
counts, and eftimate what fum or fums of money the faid corporation has ex-
pended and received, and the fum, if any, neceffary to be added to their receipts
to reimburfe the faid corporation the fums by them expended, with an intereft of
ten per centum per annum on the capital expended in completing faid road, which
faid fum being paid to the faid corporation, the faid road and tolls fhall imme-
diately thereon be the property of the ftate.

Company to
keep a juft
account, &c.

XVII. And be it enacted, That the faid company fhall keep a juft and true
account of all and every the monies to be received by their feveral and refpective
collectors of tolls at the feveral gates and turnpikes on faid road from beginning
to end, and fhall make and declare a dividend of the clear profits and income
thereof, all contingent cofts and charges being firft deducted, among all the fub-
fcribers to the faid company's ftock, and fhall, on every fecond Monday in
January and July in every year, publifh the half-yearly dividend to be made of
the faid clear profits among the ftockholders, and of the time and place when
and where the fame will be paid, and fhall caufe the fame to be paid accord-

An abftract to
be laid before
the affembly,


XVIII. And be it enacted, That the faid prefident and directors fhall, at the
end of every third year from the date of the incorporation until two years next
after the whole road fhall be completed, lay before the general affembly of this
ftate an abftract of their accounts, fhewing the whole amount of their capital
expended in profecution of the faid work, and of the income and profits arifing
from the faid toll for and during the faid refpective periods, together with an
exact account of the cofts and charges of keeping the faid road in repair, and all
other contingent cofts and charges, to the end that the clear annual income and
profits thereof may be afcertained and known; and if, at the end of two years
after the faid road fhall be completed from the beginning to the end thereof, it
fhall, appear, from the average profits of the faid two years, that the faid clear
income and profits thereof will not bear a dividend of ten per centum per annum
on the whole capital flock of the faid company fo expended, then it fhall and
may be lawful to and for the faid prefident and directors to increafe the tolls
herein above allowed fo much upon each and every allowance thereof as will

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Session Laws, 1797
Volume 652, Page 62   View pdf image
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