L A W S of M A R Y L A N D.
C H A P.
On applicati-
on, road may
be turned,
county aforefaid, where the proprietors of the lands through which the roads
which may be intended to be fo turned or altered may pals are willing and capa-
ble of confenting to applications of this nature; therefore, Be it enacted, That
upon the application in writing from all the proprietors of the lands through
which any public road may pafs, or be prayed to pals, petitioning for the turn-
ing, altering, ftreightening or laying out a public road, it fhall and may be law-
ful for the juftices of the faid levy court, upon being fatistied that the granting
of fuch petition will be of public convenience, and they are hereby authorifed and
empowered, to direct the furveyor of the faid county to lay out fuch road, agree-
ably to the prayer of fuch petition, or in fuch other manner as they fhall think
moft expedient, not exceeding twenty feet in breadth, without the confent of
the faid proprietors, and to make return of fuch location with all convenient
fpeed; and after fuch road fhall be furveyed and laid out agreeably to the inten-
tions of this act, the faid court fhall direct the application for fuch road, and the
order and proceedings thereupon, and the return of the furveyor, to be enrolled
among their records, and thereupon and thereafter fuch road fhall be deemed and
confidered to be a public road, and fhall be kept up and repaired as other public
roads in the faid county; provided neverthelefs, that no old road, fo to be af-
fected by this act, fhall be ftopped up until the new road fhall be viewed,
examined and received, by two juftices of the peace, to be appointed by the faid
court; and provided alfo, that fuch new road fhall be laid out, made and com-
pleted, at the proper expence of the parties applying for the fame; and provided
further, that no fuch application fhall affect the lands of infants, perfons non
compotes mentis, or perfons beyond the limits of this ftate, until the faid difabili-
ties fhall be removed.
Penally on
perfons alter-
ing, &c. any
road, &c.
XVI. And be it enacted, That if any perfon or perfons fhall alter or change,
or in any manner obftruct or encroach upon, any of the faid roads, or any part
or parts thereof, or cut down, deftroy or injure, any of the bridges, caufeways,
boundaries, marks or directions therein or thereon, without the licence of the
juftices of the levy court obtained as aforefaid, every fuch perfon or perfons,,
being thereof convicted in the county court, fhall forfeit and pay a fine, in the
difcretion of the court, not exceeding the fum of one hundred dollars, according
to the nature and degree of the offence.
Acts repealed,
XVII. And be it enacted, That from and after the faid firft Monday in April
next, all and every act and acts of affembly, and every claufe and fection thereof,
which may refpect the public roads of Talbot county, be and the fame are here-
by repealed; provided neverthelefs, that nothing herein contained fhall be con-
ftrued or taken to affect any private act or acts of affembly granted upon the ap-
plication of any particular individual, or the act of affembly paffed at October
feffion, in the year one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-three, entitled, An act
for repairing the public roads in this province, or any act or acts of affembly for
the building or repairing of any bridge or bridges that are built or maintained at
the public or county charge.
Paffed Janua-
ry 20.
An ACT fupplemental to the act, entitled, An act permitting
the proprietors of lots binding on the water at the weft end
of the bafon in Baltimore-town to extend and improve the
WHEREAS by an act of affembly, entitled, An act permitting the
proprietors of lots binding on the water at the weft end of the bafon
in Baltimore-town to extend and improve the fame, it was, amongft
other things, enacted, that Charles-ftreet, in Baltimore aforefaid, fhould be
opened, and extended from Camden-ftreet to Barre-ftreet, but by the faid act no
perfons were appointed to lay out and open the fame, and no provifion was made
to indemnify perfons holding lots on the faid ftreet for any damages fuftained by
reafon of the opening and extending the fame; therefore,