L A W S of M A R Y L A N D.
C H A P.
II. And be it enacted, That if any deputy fheriff or deputy collector intrufted
by his principal to levy and collect any fum or fums of money or tobacco, due
from the inhabitants of any diftrict or hundred in which fuch deputy fhall be ap-
pointed to serve, fhall neglect or refuse to render and fettle his accounts with his
principal, when thereto lawfully required, according to the terms of the contract
fubscribing between them, it fhall and may be lawful to and for the refpective
county courts, and they are hereby authorifed and required, upon motion made
to them in behalf of the principal fheriff or collector to whom fuch deputy
fheriff or deputy collector fhall refpectively be indebted, and on producing to
fuch court a ftated account of his demand, fupported by fatisfactory proof, to
order a judgment to be entered, and an immediate execution to be awarded there-
on againft the perfon or property of fuch deputy fheriff or deputy collector, to
levy and compel the payment of fuch fum or fums of money or tobacco as fhall
appear to be due and payable; provided that a copy of fuch account, and twen-
ty days notice of fuch intended application, be delivered in writing to fuch depu-
ty fheriff or deputy collector as herein before directed; and provided alfo, that in
cafe of controverfy, and the demand of a trial thereof by a jury, fuch proceed-
ings fhall be had as are herein before provided, for the trial thereof at the fame
term, and judgment fhall be rendered on the verdict, and an execution awarded,
as aforefaid; and no writ of error, fuperfedeas, injunction or appeal, fhall be al-
lowed; and provided alfo, that nothing herein contained fhall be conftrued or
deemed to deprive the parties of their proper remedy upon their contract, if they
fhall choofe to proceed at law or equity upon the fame.
Paffed Janua-
ry 20.
An ACT to alter, abolifh and repeal, fuch parts of the fecond,
third, fourteenth and forty-fecond fections of the conftitution
and form of government, as relate to the judges, time, place
and manner, of holding the feveral elections therein fpecified.
WHEREAS the holding elections at any one place in each county of
this ftate is attended with great inconvenience to all citizens remote
from faid place, and operates to deprive many perfons entitled to
fuffrage from the exercife of that right; and as it is defirable that the full, free,
and fair voice of the people fhall be expreffed in their choice of the functiona-
lities of government,
Counties to
be divided,
del into five
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the feveral
counties of this ftate, for the purpofe of holding all future elections for dele-
gates, electors of the fenate, and fheriffs of the feveral counties, fhall be divided
into feparate diftricts in the manner herein after directed, viz, Saint-Mary's
fhall be divided and laid off into three feparate diftricts, Kent county fhall
be divided and laid off into three feparate diftricts, Calvert county fhall he
laid off and divided into four feparate diftricts, Charles county fhall be divided
and laid off into four feparate diftricts, Talbot county fhall be divided and laid
off into four feparate diftricts, Somerfet county fhall be divided and laid off into
three feparate diftricts, Dorchefter county fhall be divided and laid off into three
feparate diftricts, county fhall be divided and laid off into four feparate
diftricts, Prince-George's county fhall be divided and laid off into five feparate
diftricts, Queen-Anne's county fhall be divided and laid off into three feparate
diftricts, Worcester county fhall be divided and laid off into five feparate diftricts,
Frederick county fhall be divided and laid off into feven feparate diftricts, Har-
ford county fhall be divided and laid off into five feparate diftricts, Caroline
county fhall be divided and laid off into three feparate diftricts, Wafhington
county fhall be divided and laid off into five feparate diftricts, Montgomery
county fhall be divided and laid off into five feparate diftricts, Allegany county
fhall be divided and laid off into fix feparte diftricts.
III. And be it enacted, That Anne-Arundel county, including the city of
Annapolis, fhall be divided and laid off into five feparate diftricts.