L A W S of M A R Y L A N D.
C H A P.
and entries, to the faid fecurities, or a majority of them, fhall make oath, be-
fore a juftice of the peace of Queen-Anne's county, that he, the faid James
O'Bryon, junior, as adminiftrator of the faid Thomas O'Bryon, hath not, di-
rectly or indirectly, received any part or parcel of the money or tobacco which
was doe and payable to the faid Thomas O'Bryon, as fheriff and collector of
Queen-Anne's county, nor any fecurity or fatisfaction for the fame, more than
he has credited in the faid books,
allowed, &c.
IV. And be it enacted, That the faid fecurities, and the furvivors of them,
fhall have the fame commiffion on the collection aforefaid as the faid fheriff would
have been entitled to; and that all arrearages collected in virtue of this act fhall
be applied in the following manner, viz. All fees due to the faid Thomas O'Bry-
on, in his own right, for fervices by him performed in his public capacity, fhall
be applied, in equal proportions, to the difcharge of debts due from him, both
in his private and public capacities; that portion fubject to his private debts fhall
be paid into the hands of his adminiftrator, and that portion fubject to the debts
due from him in his public capacity fhall be applied to the difcharge of thofe
debts, in proportion to the fums due to him for his fervices in each year, and
collected as aforefaid; and all fums of money or tobacco put into the faid Tho-
mas O'Bryon's hands for collection, agreeably to the laws of this ftate, fhall be
fairly applied to the difcharge of the fums due by the fecurities for the refpective
years in which the faid arrearages ought by law to have been collected.
Not to take-
away reme-
dies, &c.
V. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act contained fhall be conftrued to
take away or deprive the refpective debtors for taxes, other public dues and of-
ficers fees, of the fame remedies which they had againft the original fheriff and
collector, in cafes where nothing is alleged to be due, or the diftrefs or execution
is illegally conducted, but the fame fhall exift in full force and virtue againft the
faid fecurities, and each of them.
Paffed Janua-
ry 20.
Clerks not to
iffue licences
contrary to
this act, &c.
An ACT to fecure the collection of the duties impofed upon
marriage licences.
Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That from and after
the firft day of May next, it fhall not be lawful for the clerk of any coun-
ty within this ftate to iffue any licence of marriage to any perfon or per-
fons whatsoever, except in the manner herein after directed by this act; and if
any clerk of any county fhall, from and after the faid firft day of May next
any licence of marriage contrary to the provifions of this act, every fuch clerk
fhall forfeit and pay the fum of fifty dollars for every offence.
Licences to
be printed,
II. And be it enacted, That with all convenient fpeed after the paffage of this
act, the governor and council fhall caufe to be printed blank marriage licences,
purfuant to the form already prefcribed by law, and fhall caufe to be delivered a
fuitable number of the faid forms to the refpective treafurers of the weftern and
eaftern fhores, before the faid firft day of May next, and the clerks of the feveral
counties fhall, on or before the faid day, and on or before the fame day in every
year thereafter, make application to the treafurer of their refpective fhore for a
fufficient number of the faid blank marriage licences, according to the quantity
of licences which may be probably neceffary for the ufe of their refpective coun-
ties, agreeably to the average of the lifts returned to the treafurer for the two
preceding years, and thereupon the faid refpective treafurers fhall forthwith deliver
to the feveral clerks of the faid counties the number of blank marriage licences
which, may be neceffary, according to the eftimate aforefaid, for the fpace of one
year, the faid treafurer for each refpective fhore firft counterfigning the faid fe-
veral blank licences with his proper name of office, and taking a receipt from
each clerk for the number of licences fo delivered; and from. and after the faid
firft day of May next, the faid refpective clerks fhall grant to all and every per-
fon and perfons who fhall apply for the fame one of the faid licences, properly
filled up and figned by them, and fealed with the feal of their refpective offices,