II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That in cafe the
faid Samuel Turner Dylan fhall, before fome juftice of the peace for the county
where he refides, make and fubfcribe the following oath, to wit: " I, Samuel
" Turner Dyfon, do fwear, or affirm, that I will deliver up, convey and trans-
" fer, to the ufe of my creditors, all my property, real, perfonal or mixed, (the
" neceffary wearing apparel of myfelf and family, as allowed by my truftee, only
" excepted,) that I have or claim any title to, or intereft in, at this time, and
" all debts, rights and claims, which I have at this time, or that I am in any
" refpect entitled to, in poffeffion, remainder or reverfion; and that I have not,
" directly or indirectly, at any time before, fold, conveyed, leafed, difpofed of,
" or intrufted or concealed, any part of my property of any kind, or any part of
" my debts, rights or claims, thereby wilfully to defraud or deceive my creditors,
" or any of them, or to fecure the fame, or to receive or expect any profit, be-
" nefit or advantage thereby;" and fhall execute and acknowledge, before two
juftices of the fame county, a deed to his truftee, appointed in virtue of this act,
on behalf of his creditors, for all his property, debts, rights and claims, agree-
ably to his faid oath, in truft for his creditors, a fchedule whereof he fhall in-
fert in, or annex to, the faid deed, that thereupon, and for ever thereafter, the
faid Samuel Turner Dyfon fhall, by virtue of this act, be acquitted, releafed,
and for ever difcharged, from all debts, promifes, contracts, agreements and
covenants, due from, or contracted, mads or entered into by him, before the
paffing this act; provided, that any property acquired by the. faid Samuel
Turner Dyfon, after the making the faid deed, by defcent, or in his own right
by devife, bequeft, or in courfe of distribution, fhall be liable for the payment
of his debts.
S. T. Dyfon,
on making
oath, &c. to
be difcharged,