J. MILLARD TAWES, Governor 513
On February 20, 1962, the United States space capsule "Friend-
ship T9 manned by Colonel Glenn was launched into space, placed
into orbit around the earth, circling the globe three times in less
than five hours, and was returned safely, thereby culminating in
scientific and technical perfection the execution by the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration of this long projected ad-
vance toward the eventual conquest of space.
Colonel Glenn's achievement was certainly due in no small measure
to the dedication of the scientists, technicians, and workers whose
concerted effort made his flight the success that it was, but it is,
too, a great personal triumph, for, in face of the rigors and sacrifices
demanded of him, and notwithstanding the dangers and uncer-
tainties attending his venture, he evinced at all times unflinching
courage and constant devotion to the service of his country, he
performed his duties with ability and resoluteness, and he nobly
fulfilled his public role as a representative of the United States.
Moreover, in a larger sense, his accomplishment has significantly
contributed to the advancement of his country and of mankind.
Through his notable achievement, the United States has moved
ever closer to the mastery of the vast reaches of uncharted space;
it has evidenced anew its scientific and technological superiority,
and it has seen the increased enhancement of its world wide prestige.
The members of the General Assembly are deeply gratified by
the successful execution of Colonel Glenn's epic space voyage; now,
therefore, be it
Resolved, That the General Assembly of Maryland hereby extend
its unreserved congratulations and highest commendation to Lieu-
tenant Colonel John H. Glenn, Jr. on his historic achievement;
and be it further
Resolved, That the Secretary of State of Maryland be and he is
hereby requested to transmit under the Great Seal of this State a
copy of the foregoing Resolution to Colonel Glenn.
Approved April 6, 1962.