Resolved, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the State
Planning Department be requested to give intensive study and con-
sideration to the proposal for a buffer zone as a park and recre-
ational area in Dundalk lying between the port operations and the
rest of the community; and be it further
Resolved, That the Planning Department be requested to report
the results of its study, together with any pertinent recommen-
dations, to the General Assembly of 1963.
Approved March 23, 1962.
No. 15
(House Joint Resolution 3)
Joint Resolution urging the development of the Potomac River by
means of a program authorized, administered and financed by BY,
States, urging immediate implementation of the proposals of the
United States Corps of Engineers for the North Branch of the
Potomac River, and requesting reappointment of the Legislative
Council Committee on the Potomac River.
WHEREAS, The Special Committee of the Legislative Council on the
Potomac River in its Sixth Report to the Council comments in part
as follows in discussing the development of the Potomac River:
"We have observed the progress of the Corps of Engineers survey
of the Potomac over the past six years. We have urged as a principal
recommendation each year that Congress supply the funds necessary
to carry the survey to completion at the earliest date. We are pleased
to report that the survey is now in its last year and will be concluded
in 1962. We commend the Congress for making the funds available
to complete the survey without interruption.
In advance of specific locations for impoundments, the Corps of
Engineers has already released the basic form of its recommenda-
tions. The pattern of development of the Potomac River will consist
essentially of an integrated arrangement of small and large reservoirs
so located as to serve most economically the local areas of need. The
number of large reservoirs would vary from a low of 12 to a high of
24 according to various alternatives. As a prerequisite to the im-
poundments, sewage and waste treatment in the river would be ex-
panded progressively to reach 90 percentum of treatment of all waste
by the year 2000.
[See page image for strike through]
EXPLANATION: Italics indicate new matter added to existing law.
[Brackets] indicate matter stricken from existing law.
CAPITALS indicate amendments to bill.
Strike out indicates matter stricken out of bill.