J. MILLARD TAWES, Governor 477
(House Bill 106)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Sections 11 (b)
and 16 of Article 78B of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957
Edition), title "Racing Commission", sub-title "In General", and
to add new Section ISA to the said Article and sub-title of the
Code, to follow immediately after Section 18 thereof, increasing
the amounts retained by thoroughbred race track licensees out of
the money wagered on races, requiring the allocation of certain
amounts for purse money, and for purses for Maryland-bred
horses, establishing the Maryland-Bred Race Fund for the running
of races for horses bred in this State, creating the Maryland-Bred
Race Fund Advisory Committee, providing for its membership,
powers and duties, providing for the operation and management
of the Fund, and generally relating to thoroughbred horse racing
in Maryland.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Sections 11 (b) and 16 of Article 78B of the Annotated Code
of Maryland (1957 Edition), title "Racing Commission", sub-title
"In General", be and they are hereby repealed and re-enacted, with
amendments, and new Section 18A be and it is hereby added to the
said Article and sub-title of the Code, to follow immediately after
Section 18 thereof, and all to read as follows:
(b) Each licensee, licensed under Section 7 of this article, may
deduct and retain for its own account one-half (1/2) of the breakage
computed to the 10c and [61/2 %] 7 1/2% of the mutuel pool on all
races conducted by it during the year, exclusive of the 5% State tax
imposed by Section 14 of this article and exclusive of the special tax
imposed by Section 12 of this article as a source of funds for grants
toward capital improvements of those licensed under Section 7 of
this article. Each licensee, licensed under Section 7 of this Article,
shall allocate a sum equal to 4% of the mutuel pool on all races
conducted by it during the year for purse money. The formula
for distribution of the purse money shall be determined by an agree-
ment between an organization representing the horsemen and the
tracks, said agreement subject to the approval of the Commission.
It is the intention that the allocation shall be made in the approximate
amount of eighty percentum (80%) to the current year's overnight
races and twenty percentum (20%) to the current year's stake races.
In addition each licensee shall allocate a portion of the total mutuel
pool on all races conducted by it during the year to the Maryland-
Bred Race Fund as provided by Section 18A herein.
16. (a) In addition to all fees, premiums, taxes or other payments
required by law, each licensee under the provisions of Section 15
shall pay to the Racing Commission for the use of the State, within
five days after the close of the last meeting held during the year 1951
EXPLANATION: Italics indicate new matter added to existing law.
[Brackets] indicate matter stricken from existing law.
CAPITALS indicate amendments to bill.
Strike out indicates matter stricken out of bill.