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Session Laws, 1962
Volume 651, Page 227   View pdf image (33K)
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J. MILLARD TAWES, Governor 227

Maryland Traffic Safety Commission
Emergency Ambulance and Other Use of

Toll Facilities
Annuity Bond Fund

Special Fund Appropriation.................... 3, 159, 035

02. 05. 00. 00 Share of Income Tax Paid by Resident Individuals

To the Comptroller of the Treasury: For share
of Income Taxes paid by resident individuals,
distributed to political sub-divisions, under
the Income Tax Law, Section 323 of Article 81
of the 1957 Annotated Code, and the 1961
Cumulative Supplement, whether the same be
more or less than this estimate.

Special Fund Appropriation........................ 23, 812, 000

02. 06. 00. 00 Share of Racing Revenue

To Baltimore City, the Counties and the Incor-
porated Towns of the State: The respective
shares due them from racing in accordance
with legislation relating thereto; the amount
shown herein being an estimate, it being the
intention that the amount to be distributed
shall be the actual share of the revenue re-

Special Fund Appropriation........................ 2, 544, 580

02. 07. 00. 00 Share of Motor Vehicle Taxes in Lieu of Personal
Property Taxes

To Baltimore City and Counties of the State:
The amount of money collected by the Depart-
ment of Motor Vehicles under the law, as
payments in lieu of personal property taxes
on automobiles heretofore collected on the
basis of assessed values at rates levied by
local units of government, this amount being
an estimate of the payments to be received,
the amount to be paid and distributed being
the actual receipts of the Department of
Motor Vehicles for this purpose.
Special Fund Appropriation........................ 8, 019, 000

02. 08. 00. 00 Reimbursement of Trial Magistrates' Expenses

To the Counties of the State: For reimburse-
ment of trial magistrates' expenses being the
amounts due them under the provisions of
Article 52, Section 107 of the 1957 Annotated
Code for cases involving charges of violation
of the Motor Vehicle Law, to be paid by the
Treasury upon certification of the Depart-
ment of Motor Vehicles; the amount shown
herein being an estimate, it being the inten-
tion that the amount to be paid shall be the
actual amount due under the aforesaid provi-
sions of the Code.

Special Fund Appropriation........................ 550, 000


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Session Laws, 1962
Volume 651, Page 227   View pdf image (33K)
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