estate of said fiduciary is not being administered under the jurisdic-
tion of an equity court, the petition shall be presented to the orphans'
court of the county in which the administration was granted, the
guardian gave bond, or the trustees resides.
SEC. 60. And be it further enacted, That a new Section 299A be
and it is hereby added to Article 93 of the Code, title "Testamentary
Law", sub-title "Register of Wills", to follow immediately after
Section 299 thereof and to read as follows:
299A. Whenever any executor or administrator has in hand any
funds, payable in cash, under an account duly filed in the Orphans'
Court, having jurisdiction over such fiduciary, and where such
fiduciary after a lapse of seven years, has been unable to locate the
person or persons, to whom such cash is distributed by the account,
or his or their legal representative or representatives, the Orphans'
Court having jurisdiction over the fiduciary, may, on a petition of
such fiduciary, if satisfied that reasonable efforts have been made by
oral and written inquiry and by advertisement inserted in at least
one newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Balti-
more or in the county of the court having jurisdiction over said fund,
for four consecutive weeks, unless in the opinion of the court the
amount of funds involved does not justify the cost of such advertise-
ment, to locate the person or persons, entitled to such funds, or their
legal representative or representatives, and that such efforts have
been unsuccessful, order and direct such fiduciary to pay over to the
board of county commissioners or the Mayor and City Council of
Baltimore, as the case may be, wherein such account is filed, any and
all sums of cash, so remaining in his hands, and any accumulated
interest thereon, after the allowance to such fiduciary of his proper
costs, including the costs of such advertisement.
SEC. 61. And be it further enacted, That sub-section (h) of Sec-
tion 7 of Article 95A of the Code, title "Unemployment Insurance
Law", sub-title "Benefits", and sub-section (c) of Section 15 of
Article 95A of the Code, title "Unemployment Insurance Law",
sub-title "Collection of Contributions", be and they are hereby re-
pealed and re-enacted, with amendments, to read as follows:
7(h). [Within ten days after the decision of the Board of Appeals
has become final, a] Any party aggrieved [thereby] by a decision
of the Board of Appeals may secure judicial review thereof by appeal
to the circuit court of the county or the Superior Court of Baltimore
City, as the case may be [, in which appeal any other party to the
proceeding before the Board of Appeals shall be made a defendant.
In such appeal, a petition which need not be verified, but which shall
state the grounds upon which a review is sought, shall be served
upon a member of the Board of Appeals, or upon such person as the
Board of Appeals may designate and such service shall be deemed
completed service on all parties, but there shall be left with the party
so served as many copies of the petition as there are defendants, and
the Board of Appeals shall forthwith mail one such copy to each such
defendant. With its answer the Board of Appeals shall certify and
file with said court all documents and papers and a transcript of all
testimony taken in the matter, together with its findings of fact and
decision therein]. The Board of Appeals may; [also, ] in its discre-