Messrs. —
Speaker, Combs, Fowler, Boyer, Joiner, Brockmeyer, Larrimore, McNulty, Mel-
vin, Ridout, Whitmore, Dowell, Hance, Linton, Mitchell, Boone, Culver, MacDaniel,
Maguire, Staten, Tyler, Harrison, Latham, Lowe, Butler. Long, Quinn, Bennett,
Corkran, Matthews, Merryweather, Mackie, Garbelman, Machen, Nichols, Sasscer,
Sickles, Eaton, Risley, Hickman, Pilchard, Polk, Collins, Houck, Payne, Smelser,
Burall, Virts, Davis, Getz, Hess, Moore, Blades, Wise, Bullock Dembowski, Kosa-
kowski, Nowakowski, Silk, Walters, Antonelli, Behounek, Hedrick, Panuska, Urban,
Acker, Brooks, Brown, Curran, McNeal, O'Malley, Abramson, Dixon, Friedman,
Rombro, Bacharach, Cardin, Mandel, Resnick, Silver, Stark, Baumann, Baynes,
Bittner, Corrigan, McGuirk, Myers, Cohill, Geiger, Grumbacher, Mason, McElwee,
White, R. T., Barbee, Browning, Cook, E. P., Hostetler, Lee, Woodward, Cook,
N. S., Driscoll, Reed, Walsh, Hahn, Hale, Magin, O'Farrell, Clark, Murray, Cald-
well, Cannon, White, E. H., Bray, Buckel, Savage. Total—115
The Speaker announced the veto was sustained.
April 6, 1962.
Honorable Perry O. Wilkinson
Speaker of the House
State House
Annapolis, Maryland
Dear Mr. Speaker:
In accordance with the established policy, as outlined in my letter
to you on House Bill No. 35, I am today returning to you House Bill
No. 126, along with my veto message.
House Bill No. 126 pertains to the method of determining the
financial condition of insurance companies.
Senate Bill No. 42 was passed during the 1962 Session and was
identical to House Bill No. 126. I have already placed my signature
on Senate Bill No. 42 and, therefore, find it necessary to veto House
Bill No, 126.
With kindest regards, I am
Sincerely yours,
Vetoed by the Governor April 6, 1962
House Bill No. 126—By Mr. McNeal:
AN ACT to add a new Section 57 A to Article 48A of the Annotated
Code of Maryland (1957 Edition), title "Insurance", to follow im-
mediately after Section 57 thereof, and to be under the sub-title
"Electronic machines included as admitted assets", relating to the
inclusion of certain electronic and mechanical data processing and
accounting machines as admitted assets in the determination of
financial condition of an insurance company, and relating generally
to insurance and to investments and examinations of insurance
companies in this State.