kowski, Silk, Walters, Antonelli, Behounek, Hedrick, Panuska, Urban, Acker, Brooks,
Brown, Curran, McNeal, O'Malley, Abramson, Dixon, Friedman, Imber, Rombro,
Welcome, Bacharach, Cardin, Mandel, Resnick, Stark, Baumann, Baynes, Bittner,
Corrigan, McGuirk, Cohill, Geiger, Grumbacher, Mason, McElwee, White, R. T.,
Barbee, Browning, Cook, E. P., Hostetler, Lee, Woodward, Cook, N. S., Driscoll,
Reed, Walsh, Hahn, Hale, Magin, O'Farrell, Clark, Murray, Caldwell, Cannon,
White, E. H., Bray, Buckel, Savage. Total—114
By Mr. Boone:
That the monies appropriated for the expenses of this special session,
as set forth in the appropriation bill, be paid upon the joint order of the
President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Delegates.
Read and adopted by roll call as follows:
Messrs. —
Speaker, Combs, Fowler, Boyer, Joiner, Brockmeyer, Larrimore, McNulty, Mel-
vin, Ridout, Whitmore, Dowell, Hance, Linton, Mitchell, Boone, Culver, MacDaniel,
Maguire, Staten, Tyler, Harrison, Latham, Lowe, Butler, Long, Quinn, Bennett,
Corkran, Matthews, Merryweather, Harris, Mackie, Garbelman, Machen, Nichols,
Sasscer, Sickles, Eaton, Risley, Hickman, Pilchard, Polk, Collins, Houck, Payne,
Smelser, Burall, Virts, Davis, Getz, Moore, Blades, Wise, Bullock, Dembowski,
Kosakowski, Nowakowski, Silk, Walters, Antonelli, Behounek, Hedrick, Panuska,
Urban, Acker, Brooks, Brown, Curran, McNeal, Abramson, Dixon, Friedman, Im-
ber, Rombro, Welcome, Bacharach, Cardin, Mandel, Resnick, Silver, Stark, Bau-
mann, Bittner, Corrigan, McGuirk, Cohill, Geiger, Grumbacher, Mason, McElwee,
White, R. T., Barbee, Browning, Cook, E. P., Hostetler, Lee, Woodward, Cook, N. S.,
Driscoll, Reed, Walsh, Hahn, Hale, Magin, O'Farrell, Clark, Murray Cannon, White,
E. H., Bray Buckel, Savage. Total—113
By Mr. Boone:
That the several desk officers of the House of Delegates for the
Special Session beginning on May 25, 1962 shall be paid mileage for
their attendance at the same rate as applies to Legislators from the city
and counties of their respective residences:
Mr. James P. Mause—Chief Clerk
Myersville, Frederick County, Maryland
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Reese—Asst. Chief Clerk
4005 Hamilton Ave., Baltimore 6, Maryland
Mr. Charles H. Cox—Journal Clerk
424 Equitable Bldg., Baltimore 2, Maryland
Mr. William T. Schmitz—Asst. Journal Clerk
3450 Wilkens Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland
Mr. James E. Jones—Reading Clerk
430 Equitable Bldg., Baltimore 2, Maryland
Mr. Joseph L. Morris—Sergeant-at-Arms
3924 Hudson Street, Baltimore, Maryland