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Session Laws, 1961 (Special Session), House and Senate Journals
Volume 648, Page 29   View pdf image (33K)
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ment and for this purpose only, the age of the Judge is not to be
considered; the widow of any Judge eligible for retirement pension
who dies after retiring shall be paid one-half of the pension or salary
to which her husband was entitled at the time of his death. In each
instance the pension is to be paid to the widow until her remarriage
or death. The provisions of this Section shall not apply in the case of
a widow who was married to the Judge for a period less than three
years and to a retired Judge for a period less than three years
before his retirement.

109. Quarters. The Chief Judge, after consultation with the
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore and the Police Commissioner of
Baltimore, shall determine the location of the various parts and di-
visions of the Court for which suitable and proper quarters shall be
furnished by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore.

110. Clerks.

(a) Chief Clerk. There shall be a Chief Clerk of said Court who
shall be appointed by the Chief Judge. The Chief Clerk shall be paid
a salary of $10, 000 per annum, and shall, upon appointment, become
a member of the Classified Service of this State and of the Em-
ployees' Retirement System of this State. He shall be responsible
for the maintenance, custody and preservation of a full and true
record of all proceedings in said Court and for the collection, custody,
accounting and remittance of all fines, penalties, forfeitures, fees and
costs, and he shall perform such duties as may be assigned to him
from time to time by the Chief Judge. Whenever a vacancy occurs
in the position of Chief Clerk, such vacancy shall be filled by some
person appointed by the Chief Judge without regard to the pro-
visions of Article 64A of the Annotated Code of Maryland. The per-
son so appointed Chief Clerk shall become a member of the Classified
Service and Employees' Retirement System of this State.

(b) Criminal Division. There shall be a Deputy Clerk of the
Criminal Division of said Court. There shall also be in said Division
at least seven assistant clerks, and such other or additional employees
all at such salaries as may be provided in the State budget from
time to time. The Chief Clerk, with the approval of the Chief Judge,
shall select the^ persons to be employed in such positions in the
Criminal Division as may initially be authorized, and the persons
so selected shall become, upon appointment, members of the Classified
Service of the State. Thereafter, the appointment^ of persons to fill
any vacant or additional positions in said Division shall be made
by the Chief Clerk, with the approval of the Chief Judge, in accord-
ance with the provisions of Article 64A of the Annotated Code of
Maryland. Said employees shall perform such duties as may be
assigned to them by the Chief Clerk.

(e) Traffic Division. All appointments to clerical, or other
positions, by whatever title designated, in said Traffic Division, shall
be made by the Chief Clerk, with the approval of the Chief Judge, in
accordance with the provisions of Article 64A of the Annotated Code
of Maryland. Said employees shall perform such duties as may be
assigned to them by the Chief Clerk.

(d) Bonds. The State Comptroller and the Treasurer of Balti-
more City shall determine which employees of said Court shall give


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Session Laws, 1961 (Special Session), House and Senate Journals
Volume 648, Page 29   View pdf image (33K)
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