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Session Laws, 1961 (Special Session), House and Senate Journals
Volume 648, Page 26   View pdf image (33K)
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existing laws to the extent that the provisions of these Sections are
contradictory or inconsistent, but only to the extent of such contra-
diction or inconsistency, and such existing laws, subject to the above
provisions, shall be and remain in full force and effect as if these
Sections had never been enacted.

SEC. 2. And b e it further enacted, That this Act is hereby declared
to be an emergency law and necessary for the immediate preserva-
tion of the public health and safety, and having been passed by a
yea and nay vote, supported by three-fifths (3/5) of all of the mem-
bers elected to each of the two House of the General Assembly, the
same shall take effect from the date of its passage.

SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That, it being the intention of
the General Assembly of Maryland to preserve the right of refer-
endum reserved to the people of Maryland by Article XVI of the
Constitution of Maryland both as to this Act and as to Chapter 205
of the Laws of the General Assembly of Maryland enacted at its
Regular Session in 1961, and it further being the intention of the
General Assembly of Maryland to meet the emergency that has arisen
as a result of the suspension of the effect of the said Chapter 205
pending referral thereof to the voters of Maryland, (a) this Act
shall not be construed as repealing, by implication or otherwise,
Chapter 205 of the Laws of Maryland passed at its Regular Session
in 1961, and (b) this Act shall terminate at such time as the said
Chapter 205 shall become effective; provided, however, that such
rules, regulations, orders and decisions as may be made, promulgated
or otherwise handed down by the State Department of Assessments
and Taxation or its Director pursuant to the authority of this Act,
shall be and remain in full force and effect until such time as the
same may be changed, repealed, modified or otherwise altered pur-
suant to the authority of said Chapter 205 of the Laws of the General
Assembly of Maryland passed at its Regular Session in 1961.

Approved June 12, 1961.


(Senate Bill 2)

AN ACT to repeal Sections 408 and 428 (d) of the Charter and
Public Local Laws of Baltimore City (1949 Ed. ), sub-title, "Jus-
tices of the Peace and Constables", and to repeal and re-enact with
amendments Section 428 (e) of said Charter and Public Local
Laws and sub-title, the latter deleting provisions for a "Women's
Court" and relating generally to the detention of women and
children under sixteen, and providing that this Act shall be an
emergency measure, to be of no effect upon certain contingencies.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,

EXPLANATION: Italics indicate new matter added to existing law.

[Brackets] indicate matter stricken from existing law.

CAPITALS indicate amendments to bill.

Strike out indicates matter stricken out of bill.


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Session Laws, 1961 (Special Session), House and Senate Journals
Volume 648, Page 26   View pdf image (33K)
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