JOHN H. STONE, Efquire, Governor.
Foard, Arnoe's Vale, Coal Wood Dale, Piney Grove, and Lovely, be and the
fame is hereby releafed, and confirmed to the faid Normand Bruce, his heirs and
affigns; provided neverthelefs, that nothing in this ad: contained fhall operate to
affect the right of any perfon or perfons heretofore acquired to the whole or any
part of any of the faid tracts of land.
C H A P.
An ACT to authorife and empower the levy court of Montgomery
county to affefs and levy annually a fum of money for the pur-
pofes therein mentioned.
Paffed De-
cember 24.
WHEREAS Mary Higdon, of Montgomery county, by her petition
to this general affembly, hath fet forth, that her hufband died early
laft fpring, leaving her, about feventy years of age, very infirm and
poor, with the additional misfortune of an idiot daughter, aged about twenty-
four years, and her advanced age renders it impoffible to procure the common
neceffaries of life for herfelf and daughter, and prays an act may pafs to provide
for the fupport of herfelf and unfortunate daughter; and the facts ftated in faid
petition appearing true,
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the juftices of
the peace for Montgomery county fhall be and they are hereby directed and em-
powered, at their levy courts annually, fo long as they fhall fee caufe, to affefs
and levy on faid county a fum of money, not exceeding twenty pounds current
money, for the fupport and maintenance of the aforefaid Mary Higdon and her
unfortunate daughter, and that the fame be collected and paid annually, by the
collector of Montgomery county, to fuch perfon as the levy court of faid county
fhall or may direct.
Juftices to le-
vy money,
An ACT to erect a new bridge over Great Choptank river, in
Caroline county.
Paffed De-
cember 24,
WHEREAS it appears to this general affembly, by the petition of fun-
dry inhabitants of Caroline county, that the old bridge over Great
Choptank river, at the village of Greenfborough, in faid county, is
in a ruinous fituation, and nearly impaffable, and they have prayed that a new
one may be built at or near the place where the old one ftands; therefore,
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That Thomas Hugh-
lett, Peter Herrington and David Whiting, be and they are hereby appointed
commiffioners for the purpofe of building and completing the new bridge afore-
faid, at or near the place where the old one now ftands; and the faid commiffi-
oners, or a majority of them, are, by this act, empowered to agree and contract
with any perfon or perfons, upon the beft and cheapeft terms they can, to finifh
and complete the faid new bridge.
ers appointed,
III. And be it enacted, That the juftices of the peace of Caroline county be
and they are hereby authorifed and directed, at their next levy court, to affefs and
levy on the affeffable property in faid county the fum of one hundred and feventy-
five pounds current money, together with the ufual commiffion for collection, to
be collected by the collector of faid county in the fame manner as other county
charges are collected, and when collected by the collector, to be paid to the faid
commiffioners, or a majority of them, or to their order; and the faid bridge,
when completed, fhall be kept up and repaired in the fame manner that other
public bridges in faid county are by law directed to be kept up and repaired.
Juftices to le-
vy money,
IV. And be it enacted, In cafe any vacancy fhall happen among the faid
commiffioners, the remaining commiffioner or commiffioners fhall have power to
fill up fuch vacancy, until the faid bridge be finifhed.
How vacan-
cies are to be