J O H N H. S T O N E, Efquire, Governor.
VII. And be it enacted, That the faid commiffioners of review fhall have
power to make fuch regulations for granting to broad wheeled carriages of
draught fuch exemptions from the tolls, or any proportion of the tolls, impofed
by the original act, as they may judge proper, and may alfo order and direct on
what fide of the road carriages of draught or pleafure, going to and returning from
the faid town of Baltimore, fhall pafs or travel, and may ordain and eftablifh pe-
nalties for the infraction of any fuch regulation, not exceeding three pounds for
any one offence; provided, neverthelefs, that no fuch regulation of the faid com-
miffioners fhall commence until the fame fhall have been publifhed at leaft fix
fucceffive weeks in fome one of the Baltimore news-papers.
C H A P.
ers to make
VIII. And be it enacted, That all vacancies of the faid commiffioners of re-
view fhall be filled up by the commiffioners of the tax for Baltimore county.
IX. And, whereas it appears by laying out the York turnpike road, that the
road from Hanover, where it interfects the faid turnpike road at or near the
Beaver-dam run, and the road leading from Meridith's ford on the great falls of
Gunpowder river, where it interfects the faid turnpike road at or near Towfon's
tavern, will run parallel with and near the faid turnpike road a confiderable dif-
How vacan-
cies are to be
tance, to the injury of individuals and an increafe of the county expences, Be
it enacted, That the overfeers or fupervifors of faid roads be authorifed and di-
reded to extend the faid roads, in a ftreight direction, till they interfect the faid
turnpike road, of the width of faid road, and to return a plot of the fame to
Baltimore county court, and if they approve the fame, the faid overfeers or
fupervifors fhall open the fame at the county expence, to be allowed by the levy
court; and the county court are hereby directed to permit the old road, or fuch
part thereof as they fhall think proper, to be fhut up and enclofed.
Roads to be
extended, &c.
X. This act to commence on the tenth day of February next.
An ACT for recording a patent therein mentioned.
WHEREAS it is reprefented to this general affembly, that no record of
any grant or patent can be found in the land-office for a tract of land
called the Deferts, lying in Calvert county, containing one thoufand
and forty-eight acres, more or lefs, the certificate of which appears on record,
dated the eighteenth day of Auguft, fixteen hundred and eighty-two, and a
patent hath been produced for faid land, figned by Henry Darnall and William
Digges, as commiffaries general of the then province of Maryland: And where-
as it is reafonable and juft that the title of and in faid land fhould be confirmed
to the refpective owners and proprietors thereof, to whom the fame hath come
by fundry conveyances and defcents;
Paffed De-
cember 24.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the patent for
faid land, dated the tenth day of May, in the year fixteen hundred and eighty-
five, and figned by Henry Darnall and William Digges, as commiffaries general
of the province of Maryland, be and the fame is hereby ordered and directed to
be recorded in the land records of the weftern fhore of this ftate, and the fame,
when fo recorded, fhall have the fame effect and operation in law and equity as
if it had been originally recorded on the faid tenth day of May, fixteen hundred
and eighty-five.
Patent to be
recorded, &c.
An ACT to authorife two lotteries in the city of Washington.
WHEREAS the opening and completing the canal already begun in the
city of Washington, in the territory of Columbia, and making the
fame navigable, is a meafure of great public utility;
Paffed De-
cember 24.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That it fhall and may
be lawful for Notley Young, Daniel Carroll, of Dudington, Lewis De Blois,
N. Young,
&c. may pro-
pofe any
fcheme, &c.