L A W S of M A R Y L A N D.
C H A P.
And whereas the faid juftices have fince met and tranfacted the neceffary bufi-
nefs; therefore,
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That all tranfactions
by them done fubfequent to the time to which the faid court ftood adjourned,
are hereby confirmed and made as valid in law as if the faid juftices had have met
on the day to which the faid court flood adjourned, any law, ufage or cuftom,
to the contrary notwithstanding.
Paffed De-
cember 24.
Actions, &c.
revived, &c.
An ACT to revive and aid the proceedings of Calvert county
WHEREAS it is reprefented to this general affembly, that the county
court of Calvert county flood adjourned until the feventh day of the
prefent month of December, and that no one of the juftices of the
faid court attended to call and adjourn the fame, whereby divers actions, fuits
and proceedings, both civil and criminal, were difcontinued, and the faid juftices
cannot legally hold the faid court until the next meeting appointed by law; for
aiding therefore the faid actions, fuits and proceedings, and for faving as far as
may be the fuitors from the damage that might otherwife be occasioned by fuch
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That all actions,
fuits, indictments, pleas, procefs and proceedings, depending in the faid court
on the faid feventh day of December inftant, and all actions fince commenced,
or hereafter to be commenced, fhall be and are hereby revived and continued,
and fhall be in the fame ftate and condition, to all intents and purpofes, as if the
faid court had met and been continued by regular and lawful adjournments, any
thing in any law to the contrary notwithftanding.
III. Provided always, That nothing in this act fhall extend to, or affect or
make liable, the bail or fecurity for any perfon's appearance at the faid court to
have been held on the feventh inftant, in any action or indictment, unlefs in the
cafe of a perfon under profecution for any crime or mifdemeanor a default was
entered on the recognizance before the faid difcontinuance, or the fheriff was
amerced before fuch difcontinuance for default of the defendant's appearance in
any civil fuit, but any recognizance entered into by the principal fhall ftand as an
obligation for him to appear at the next meeting of the court, in the fame man-
ner as if the condition thereof was for his appearance at the next court, and if
he fhall not appear on calling the recognizance at the faid court, a default and
judgment may be entered, and execution may be iffued accordingly, or without
calling the faid recognizance it fhall be in the difcretion of the court to refpite
the fame until the fucceeding term.
IV. And, whereas it is required by an ad, entitled, An act for the amend-
ment of the law in certain cafes, that all fheriffs bonds fhall be taken between
the eighth day of October and the firft day of January in each year, Be it
Juftices to
enacted, That the juftices of the faid court may and they are hereby required to
meet on or before the firft day of February next, and to take the fheriff's bond,
and do and perform the feveral duties which were required to be done on the day
to which the faid court flood adjourned, and fuch proceedings fhall be as good
and valid, to all intents and purpofes, as if the faid court had met according to
Court may
call, &c.
V. And be it enacted, That the faid court, at the meeting aforefaid, fhall
have full power to call and adjourn the fame to any day or days they may think