C H A P.
A clerk to be
VI. And be it enacted, That the faid commiffioners, or a major part of them,
fhall have full power to appoint a clerk of the faid market, and from time to lime
to make rules, ordinances and by-laws, for the ordering and governing the faid
market, fo that the fame contain nothing contradictory to what is herein con-
tained, or to the laws or constitution of this ftate.
on to be made
for the ftalls,
VII. And be it enacted, That the faid commiffioners, or a major part of them,
fhall be and they are hereby empowered to demand and receive a reasonable com-
penfation for the faid ftalls and apartments, which fhall be applied to defray the
expences arifing from regulating the faid market in the firft place, and the furplus
may, from time to time, be appropriated for premiums, under the direction of
the commiffioners, or a major part of them, for the encouragement of fuch per-
Ibns as fhall raife or bring to market the fatteft and beft cattle and other flock.
VIII. This act to continue for feven years, and to the end of the next feftion
of affembly which fhall happen thereafter.
Paffed De-
cember 26.
An ACT to alter the time of holding the levy courts in the
feveral counties therein mentioned.
WHEREAS the holding the levy court in the counties of Dorchefter,
Calvert, Washington, Frederick, Caroline and Montgomery, at the
time now directed by law, is found to be inconvenient; therefore,
When levy
courts are to
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the feveral and
refpecttive juftices of the peace who now compofe, or fhall hereafter compofe,
the levy courts in the counties of Dorchefter, Calvert, Wafhington, Frederick,
Caroline and Montgomery, inftead of meeting as heretofore required by law,
are hereby authorifed and required to meet, at the ufual places for holding the
county courts in the feveral counties aforefaid, as follows, viz. In Dorchefler,
Calvert and Frederick counties, on the third Monday in May, in Wafhington on
the firft Monday in May, in Montgomery on the firft Monday in June, and in
Caroline on the fourth Monday in April, in every year hereafter, any law to the
contrary hereof notwithftanding.
Juftices may-
adjourn, &c.
III. And, whereas doubts may have arifen, or may hereafter arife, under an
act paffed in the year feventeen hundred and ninety-three, entitled. An act to
alter the time of holding the levy courts in the feveral counties therein mention-
ed, and under this act with refpect to the power of adjournment by the feveral
levy courts; therefore, to remove the fame, Be it enacted, That the juftices of
the levy courts in the feveral counties of this ftate fhall have full power to ad-
journ their refpective courts from time to time, for the purpofe of laying the
levy, as they may think neceffary.
Paffed De-
cember 26.
Penalty on
members not
An ACT to compel the attendance of the members of the general
Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That if any member of
the fenate or houfe of delegates, or any perfon who may hereafter be elect-
ed a member of the fenate or houfe of delegates, fhall neglect to appear in
the houfe of which he now is or hereafter fhall be elected a member on the day
appointed for the meeting of faid houfe, or fhall neglect to fend a written refignati-
on within feven days thereafter, or after appearance fhall abfent himfelf without
leave, fuch perfon fhall forfeit and pay fix dollars current money for every day
during the feffion he fhall neglect to appear, or fend fuch refignation, as aforefaid,
unlefs prevented by ficknefs, or fuch caufe as may be deemed a fufficient excuie
by a joint committee of both houfcs, to be appointed as herein after directed.
Committee to
coofift of fix.
II. And be it enacted, That the faid joint committee fhall confift of three
members of the fenate, and three members of the houfe of delegates, to be ap-