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Session Laws, 1794
Volume 646, Page 74   View pdf image
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RESOLUTION S affented to November Seffion, 1794.

RESOLVED unanimously, That the prompt and decifive conduct of the executive, in com-
pliance with the requifitions of the genera! government, in calling out the militia, and in
fuppreffion of the violent and alarming proceedings and difturbances in this ftate, merits the
approbation of the general affembly; and that the advance of arms made by them to meet
the exigencies of the general government, and fecure the tranquillity of this ftate, although not ftrictly

within the constitutional limits of their authority, was highly expedient and neceffary; therefore their
conduct is hereby approved of and ratified.

RESOLVED, That the proceedings on the indictment againft Samuel Sloan, of Somerfet county,
for celebrating, the marriage between Samuel Wilkins and Althea Edwards, be fufpended, and that
the right of the ftate to the penalty by the faid Sloan incurred be and is hereby relinquished, on pay-
ment of the cofts of profecution.

RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore be and he is hereby directed to deliver up
to John Jones the bond paffed by the faid John Jones to the ftate of Maryland, for the purchafe of land
fold by the late Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer, as intendant of the revenue, to the faid John Jones, as
ftated in the petition of the faid John Jones.

RESOLVED, That William Robinfon and Samuel Garretfon be and they are hereby releafed from
the fecurityfhip in a bond entered into by them, for and in behalf of a certain Thomas Alexander Thomp-
fon, to the ftate of Maryland, and that all procefs and proceedings in the fuits inftituted againft them in
the general court, on the faid bond, be ftayed, on payment of all cofts which have accrued on faid fuits.

RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore be and he is hereby directed to deliver up to
Rachel Cowden, to be cancelled, the bond of her late hufband, Jofeph Cowden, conditioned for the
payment of fixty-two pounds, on intereft; provided the faid Rachel Cowden place, or caufe to be
placed, in the hands of the treafurer, prior to his giving up the faid Jofeph Cowden's bond, a bond, in
the penalty of two hundred pounds current money, with fecurity, to be approved by the faid treafurer,
conditioned to fecure the ftate from any claims which may hereafter be made by the heirs of faid Jofeph
Cowden for the property for which the faid Jofeph Cowden's bond was given.

RESOLVED, That the fsxteenth day of December be appointed to choofe one fenator to reprefent
this ftate in the fenate of the United States, to be a. refident of the eaftern fhore, and the perfon on
the faid fhore having a majority of votes of all the attending members of both houfes, be declared
to be duly elected to reprefent this ftate in the fenate of the United States for the term of fix years;
and that.a comrniffion iffue to the faid fenator, appointed as aforefaid, figned by the governor for
the time being, or in his abfence by the preftding member of the council, in the following words, to

wit: To--------------. The legiflature of Maryland repofing efpecial confidence in your integrity and

abilities, hath appointed you fenator to reprefent this fete in the fenate of the United States for the
term of fix years. Given under my hand, and the feal of this ftate, Anno Domini —--------.

RESOLVED, That the executive of this ftate be requefted to write to the fecretary of ftate of the
United States, to communicate to them as fpeediiy as pofflible, whether the ftate of Maryland's right

to certain bank ftock in England is introduced as a fubjecr. of Mr. Jay's embaffy to the court of
Great-Britain, and if the fame is to be demanded as a fpecific claim on the part of this ftate, or on
any other and what terms, and when inftructions were fent forward en the fubject.

WHEREAS the teftamentary laws of this ftate are at prefent extremely confufed, contradictory and
defective, and fo prolix that the legiflature cannot, at this feffion, conveniently undertake to revife
and amend the whole fyftem: And whereas it is probable that the following gentlemen, from their
long experience and practice of the law, may be able, during the recefs of the prefent legiflature, to
frame a very complete code of teftamentary laws; RESOLVED therefore, That Alexander Contee Han-
fon, Samuel Chafe, William Pinkney, James Tilghman, of Queen-Anne's, and Nicholas Hammond,
Efquires, or any three of them, be requefted to frame and prepare, for the consideration of the legifia-
ture at their next feffion, fuch a code of teftamentary laws, and plan of adminiftration thereof, as they
in their judgment fhall deem moft wife, juft and expectient, to be completed by the firft Monday of
November next, and laid before the general affembly at the beginning of the feffion.

RESOLVED, That the general affembly will guaranty to the gentlemen appointed to carry the faid

refblution into effect, a liberal and competent allowance for their time, talents and labour, devoted to
the perfection of the fyftem of teftamentary laws, contemplated by the faid refolution.

RESOLVED, That the agent be authorifed and empowered to allow Philip Reed the fum of fifteen
pounds eighteen fhillings and three-pence, in the fettlement of his accounts with the ftate of Maryland,

or fuch part thereof as he may think juft.

RESOLVED, by the general affembly of Maryland, That the treafurer for the weftern fhore of this
ftate be and he is hereby authorifed and directed to pay to the faid Samuel Worthington the fum of

twenry-three pounds two fhillings and fix-pence current money, with intereft thereon from the thir-
teenth day of October, feventeen hundred and eighty-fix.

RESOLVED, That on Alexander Wilfon's caufing a certificate of furvey of his land called Mount-
joy to be paffed by the examiner-general, and returned to theland-office of the weftern fhore, and on

William Pierce's caufing a certificate of furvey of his land called Pierce's Lot to be paffed by the

examiner-general, and returned to the land-office of the weftern fhore, it fhall and may be lawful for

the chancellor, and he is hereby authorifed and fefired, to order and direct patents to iffue feverally

thereon, to the faid Alexander Wilfon and his heirs, and William Pierce and his heirs, in order to

veft the legal title in them and their heirs, refpectively.

RESOLVED, That the intereft on one hundred and three pounds ten fhillings due from Brooke

Beall, clerk of Montgomery county, and Edward Burgefs his fecurity, to the ftate of Maryland, be



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Session Laws, 1794
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