THOMAS SIM LEE, Efquire, Governor.
that fuch fervant fhall not be fold for a longer time than fhall remain unexpired
of his or her fervitude at the time of his or her being fo adjudged.
C H A P.
XIV. And be it enacted, If any male or female criminal fhall run away be-
fore the time fhall be fully expired for which fuch criminal fhall be convicted
and adjudged, the time of fervice and labour of fuch criminal fhall be extended
by the faid juftices, not exceeding one year, for every time fuch criminal fhall
run away.
running away
to ferve there-
for, &c.
XV. And be it enacted, If any criminal fhall actually ferve and labour the
full time appointed, fuch fervice and labour fhall have the effect of a pardon,
to all intents and purpofes, for the crime for which fuch criminal was con-
Time ferved
out, deemed a
pardon, &c.
XVI. And be it enacted, If any perfon committed for non-payment of any
penalty, fine or forfeiture, fhall remain in prifon above thirty days, and fhall not,
within that time, enter into recognizance, with fuch fecurity as any one of the
faid juftices may approve, for payment of fuch penalty, fine or forfeiture, and
cofts, within fix months thereafter, that it fhall be lawful for the fheriff of the
faid county to fell fuch perfon at auction as a fervant, for a term not exceeding
one year, or fuch lefs time as will produce the penalty, fine or forfeiture, and
cofts, or, if fo directed by any two of the faid juftices, for any term not exceed-
ing two years, or fuch lefs time as will produce the penalty, fine or forfeiture,
and cofts, and the money arifing from the fale fhall be applied to the payment
of fuch penalty, fine or forfeiture, and cofts.
Perfons com-
mitted for 30
days, to be
fold, &c.
XVII. And be it enacted, That the faid juftices, or any three or more of
them, in court fitting, fhall have concurrent jurifdiction with the county court
of the faid county to hear and determine all complaints between mafters, fer-
vants and apprentices, and any order by the faid juftices in fuch cafes may be
removed to the general court.
Juftices to
have concur-
rent jurifdic-
tion, &c.
XVIII. And be it enacted, If any fecurity in any recognizance fhall requeft
to furrender up the principal, it fhall be lawful for any one of the faid juftices
to accept fuch furrender in or out of court, and he fhall thereupon require and
take other recognizance, or commit the principal to gaol until he give fuch fe-
curity as the law requires.
Security may
furrender the
principal, &c.
XIX. And be it enacted, That any perfon prefented or indicted may fubmit to
the court, and fhall not be compelled to the expence of a trial by a jury; pro-
vided, that fuch fubmiffion fhall always be deemed fo far an admiffion of the
crime or offence charged, as to render the perfon fubmitting liable to the cofts of
the profecution.
Perfons pre-
fented may
fubmit, &c.
XX. And be it enacted, If any perfon convicted fhall have any child or chil-
dren under the age of twenty-one years, and fhall not have property fufficient to
maintain fuch child or children, that the faid juftices may bind out fuch child or
children to any trade or handicraft; females until the age of fixteen years, and
males until the age of twenty-one years.
Juftices may
bind out chil-
dren, &c.
XXI. And be it enacted, If any perfon fhall be convicted of robbery, or of
grand and petit larceny, or of forgery, and the property taken, or money received,
is not returned to the party injured, and fuch convicted perfon fhall have property
within the ftate, the court before whom fuch perfon fhall be convicted fhall, at
the inftance of the party injured, iffue execution againft the property of fuch con-
victed perfon, in the name of the perfon injured, for the value of the property fo
taken, or money fo received; fuch value, or fum of money, to be eftimated by
the faid court.
XXII. Whereas it frequently happens, in the town of Baltimore, that failors
and mariners complain againft each other for breaches of the peace, and it is of-
Execution to
iffue in cer-
tain cafes, &c.