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Session Laws, 1793
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THOMAS SIM LEE, Efquire, Governor.


fhall return a pannel of them accordingly; and every perfon who fhall be fo fum-
moned, and fhall neglect or refufe to appear at the day, and make default, fhall
be fined by the faid juftices not exceeding ten pounds current money, to be ap-
plied as aforefaid; and every grand and petit juror fhall have an allowance of fe-
ven fhillings and fix-pence current money for every day's attendance, to be affeffed
and collected with the county affeffment; and each of the faid juftices fhall be
allowed twenty fhillings current money for every day's attendance, to be affeffed
and collected as aforefaid.


VII. And be it enacted, That all commitments and recognizances for all felo-
nies and other crimes, offences and mifdemeanors, committed in the faid county,
and triable, in virtue of this act, before the faid juftices, fhall be returned, from
time to time, by any juftice of the peace of the faid county taking fuch recogni-
zance, before the juftices aforefaid; and any juftice taking fuch recognizance fhall
lodge the fame with the clerk of the faid court on the day next before the day ap-
pointed for the holding of the faid court, and the offenders and witneffes bound
in fuch recognizance, fhall be obliged to appear by virtue and according to the
condition thereof.

ments, &c. to
be returned,

VIII. And be it enacted, That every perfon fummoned as a witnefs to attend
the faid court, and making default, fhall be fined by the juftices aforefaid, in
their difcretion, not exceeding ten pounds current money, to be applied as afore-
faid; and on default of any witnefs, the faid juftices may award procefs of at-
tachment, and, by virtue thereof, the fheriff of the faid county fhall be obliged
to have the body of fuch witnefs, and may compel his attendance, before the
fame juftices.

Witneffes to
attend under
penalty, &c.

IX. And be it enacted, That it fhall and may be lawful for the faid juftices to
allow to every perfon legally fummoned to give evidence before them, five fhil-
lings current money for every day's attendance, and if fuch witnefs refides out of
the faid county, the faid juftices may allow him for fo many days itinerant
charges as they fhall think reafonable, at the rate of five fhillings current money
per day, and the fame fhall be paid in the fame manner as allowances to witneffes
in criminal cafes are, or fhall be, by law, directed to be paid.

Their allow-
ance, &c.

X. And be it enacted, If any free male perfon, or any male fervant or ap-
prentice, fhall be convicted before the faid juftices of any of the crimes follow-
ing, to wit: Any felony, with or without benefit of clergy; or manflaughter ;
or petty larceny; or an affault, with an intent to rob, murder, or commit a
rape; or fodomy; or breaking a dwelling-houfe in the day time, with an intent
to murder or commit a felony therein; or breaking a ftore-houfe, warehoufe, or
other out-houfe, in the day or night, with an intent to commit murder or felony
therein; or receiving ftolen goods, knowing them to be ftolen; or forgery or
perjury, at common law, or by act of affembly, or by ftatute introduced into this
ftate before the fourth day of July, feventeen hundred and feventy-fix; or fubor-
nation of perjury; or of being acceffary to any of the faid crimes to which by law
there can be an acceffary; that the faid juftices may pafs fuch judgment as the
law requires for fuch crimes; or they may, in their difcretion, adjudge any free
male perfon, or any male fervant or apprentice, convicted before them of any of
the crimes above enumerated, to ferve and labour for any time, in their difcre-
tion, not exceeding feven years for the fame crime, on the public roads of the faid
county, or in making, repairing, or cleaning the ftreets or bafon of Baltimore-
town; and the faid juftices may procure a proper place or places for the confine-
ment of fuch criminals, and may appoint and employ a fit and proper perfon or
perfons to take care of fuch criminals, and to keep them (and if neceffary fecure
them in irons) to conftant and hard labour, according to their age, health, and
ftrength of body, and to caufe the faid criminals to be cloathed with neceffary
and coarfe apparel, and fed with bread and coarfe meat, and water, and not al-
lowed any kind of ftrong liquor, except only as a medicine, by the prefcription
of a phyfician, who may be employed by the faid juftices to attend and furnifh
medicines to the faid criminals; and the faid juftices may compel any of the faid

Juftices may
pafs judgment
on free male
perfons, &c.

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Session Laws, 1793
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