C H A P.
various conveyances, has become the property of the faid Salathiel Fitchett; and
that the faid petitioners pray that a law may pafs, empowering the regifter of the
land-office to iffue a patent for the fame to the faid Salathiel Fitchett; and it ap-
pearing to this general affembly juft and reafonable,
Regifter to if-
fue a patent,
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the regifter of
the land-office have full power and authority, and he is hereby directed, on pay-
ment of the purchafe money by the faid Fitchett, or any other perfon in his be-
half, to iffue a patent to the faid Fitchett for lot number fix, lying in Nanticoke
manor, agreeably to the certificate thereof, as returned by the commiffioners
Paffed De-
cember 28.
C H A P. L.
An ACT to fettle and pay the civil lift and other expences of civil
WHEREAS thofe who dedicate their time, abilities and labour, to the
public, ought to receive a reafonable and adequate compenfation for
their fervices ;
Officers fala-
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the following
officers of civil government for the time being, fhall be entitled to receive at the
rate of the following falaries, in current money, for the enfuing year, to wit :
The treafurer of the weftern fhore, fix hundred pounds; the treafurer of the
eaftern fhore, one hundred and fifty pounds; the auditor, two hundred pounds ;
the clerk of the council, two hundred and fifty pounds; the clerk of the fenate,
thirty pounds; the clerk of the houfe of delegates, feventy-five pounds; the
printer to the ftate, three hundred and feventy-five pounds; the meffenger to the
council, fifty pounds.
Monies to be
firft applied,
III. And be it enacted, That all monies which fhall remain in the treafury after
difcharging the journal of accounts, and all monies heretofore appropriated to the
ufe of congrefs, which fhall hereafter be received, and all unappropriated money
which may come into the treafury, be firft applied to the payment of the civil lift
for the enfuing year.
Paffed De-
cember 28.
C H A P. LI.
An ACT for the fupport of Rebecca Fowler.
WHEREAS Juliana Fowler, of Queen-Anne's county, by her petition
to this general affembly hath fet forth, that fhe has, amongft other
children, a daughter, who is now a young woman, who is blind, and
alfo much afflicted with convulfion fits, which has in a great meafure deprived
her of her fenfes, and that fhe, the faid Juliana Fowler, mother of the faid Re-
becca, is not able to maintain her, and prays that an act may pafs to provide for
the fupport of her faid daughter, out of the poor-houfe; and the facts ftated in
the faid petition appearing true,
Juftices to af-
fefs money,
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the juftices of
Queen-Anne's county fhall and they are hereby empowered, at their levy courts
annually, fo long as they may fee caufe, to affefs and levy on faid county a fum
of money, not exceeding twenty pounds, for the fupport and maintenance of the
faid Rebecca Fowler.
Paffed De-
cember 28.
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act to prevent the exporta-
tion of flour, ftaves and fhingles, not merchantable, from the
town of Baltimore, in Baltimore county, and to regulate the
weight of hay and meafure of grain, falt, flax-feed and fire-
wood, within the faid town, and to prevent the exportation of
flour, not merchantable, from Fells Point, in the faid county.
WHEREAS it is reprefented to this general affembly, by the petition of
fundry perfons, farmers of Baltimore and Harford counties, that in-
conveniences are fuffered by reafon of the commiffioners of Balti-