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Session Laws, 1793
Volume 645, Page 34   View pdf image
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Paffed De-
cember 28.

An ACT to appoint commiffioners on the road from Middle-
town, in Frederick county, to the Wafhington county line in
Turner's Gap, and alfo on the road from Middle-town, in faid
county, to the Wafhington county line in Foxe's Gap.


WHEREAS the act for ftreightening and amending the feveral public
roads in feveral counties, and for other purpofes therein mention-
ed, paffed November feffion, feventeen hundred and ninety, did au-
thorife and appoint three commiffioners to ftreighten and amend a road leading
from Middle-town to the line between Frederick and Wafhington counties in
Turner's Gap: And whereas a fupplement to the act entitled as above, paffed at
November feffion, feventeen hundred and ninety-one, chapter eighty-two, did
authorife the fame commiffioners as were empowered by the act to which it was a
fupplement, to ftreighten and amend the road from Middle-town to the Wafh-
ington county line in Foxe's Gap: And whereas by the removal of two of the
commiffioners the object of the act, and fupplement to it as above, was defeated ;

ers appointed,

II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That Jofeph Swear-
ingen, Frederick Stemple and Leonard Stern, be and they are hereby appointed
commiffioners to effectuate the purpofes of the act and fupplement referred to as
above, any law to the contrary notwithftanding.

Paffed De-
cember 28.



An ACT for the better regulation of apprentices.

WHEREAS it has been found by experience, that poor children, or-
phans and illegitimate children, for want of fome efficient fyftem,
have been left deftitute of fupport, and have become ufelefs or de-
praved members of fociety: And whereas it would greatly conduce to the good
of the public in general, and of fuch children in particular, that neceffary in-
ftructions in trades and ufeful arts fhould be afforded them; therefore,

Juftices may
bind out or-
phan chil-
dren, &c.

II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the juftices of
the feveral and refpective orphans courts fhall and may bind out as an apprentice
every orphan child, (the increafe or profits of whofe eftate, whether real or per-
fonal, is or are not fufficient for the maintenance, fupport or education, of the
faid child,) to fome manufacturer, mechanic, mariner, handicraftfman, or other
perfon, at the difcretion of the faid juftices, until fuch orphan child, if a male,
fhall arrive to the age of twenty-one years, or if a female, to the age of fixteen
years; and the faid juftices are hereby directed, in all cafes where, they can, to
make it a part of the contract on the part of the mafter or miffrefs of fuch ap-
prentice, that he or fhe fhall give fuch orphan child reafonable education in read-
ing and writing, or in reading, writing and arithmetic, to be particularifed there-
in, and alfo teach fuch orphan, efpecially if a male, fome ufeful art or trade, and
in all cafes fupply fuitable cloathing and maintenance; and the faid juftices fhall
and may alfo bind out as apprentices, fuch children as are fuffering through the
extreme indigence or poverty of their parents, alfo the children of beggars, and
alfo illegitimate children, and the children of perfons out of this ftate, where a
fufficient fuftenance is not afforded, in like manner, and on like terms: Provided
always, that when any child is about to be bound out, the parent or parents of
faid child, if living in the county, fhall be fummoned to appear before the faid
juftices, and the inclination of the faid parent or parents, fo far as is reafonable,
fhall be confulted in the choice of the perfon to whom the faid child fhall be bound
out; and provided always, that when any child fhall be before the court for the
purpofe of being bound out as an apprentice, if any relation or other perfon will,
with good and fufficient fecurity, enter into bond in the penalty of one hundred
pounds, for the due and comfortable maintenance, and for the providing fufficient
and proper cloathing, for fuch child, till of age as aforefaid, and alfo for the rea-
fonable fchooling and education of fuch child, then the court fhall not proceed
to bind out fuch child as aforefaid.

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Session Laws, 1793
Volume 645, Page 34   View pdf image
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