Valuation to
be received,
III. And be it enacted, That the valuation fo to be made in virtue of this act,
fhall be deemed, taken and received, by the aforefaid commiffioners, in lieu of
the former valuation made in the cafe of the faid Elam Bailey, and inftead
Paffed De-
cember 28.
An ACT to define and afcertain the powers of the governor on
the fubject therein mentioned.
WHEREAS by the thirty-third article of the conftitution and form of
government, the governor is authorifed to order and compel any veffel
to ride quarantine, if fuch veffel, or the port from which fhe fhall
have come, fhall, on ftrong grounds, be fufpected to be infected with the plague :
And whereas circumftances may render it neceffary that other and more effectual
fteps fhould be purfued for preventing the introduction of the plague, or other
malignant contagious difeafes, into this ftate, and doubts may arife whether the
power communicated by the above article may be competent to fuch future ex-
igencies; for removal whereof,
may compel
veffels to ride
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That whenfoever
and as often as the governor for the time being fhall have ftrong grounds to ap-
prehend, from the information of phyficians, or otherwife, that there is danger
of the plague, or other malignant contagious difeafe, being introduced into this
ftate from foreign parts, or from any of the United States, he fhall be and he is
hereby authorifed and empowered, to compel any veffel coming to any of our ;
ports, fhores or harbours, to ride quarantine, and to forbid, either by land or by
water, all intercourfe or communication between this ftate and the place infected,
or to lay fuch intercourfe under fuch regulations and reftrictions as he may think
advifeable, and to take all meafures, and do all things, which may appear to him
to be neceffary for giving effect to the objects of this act. 1
Paffed De-
cember 28.
Stealing bank
notes deemed
felony, &c.
ing adjudged
felony, &c.
An ACT refpecting the ftealing and counterfeiting of bank notes
or checks.
Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That if any perfon or
perfons fhall fteal, or take by robbery, any of the notes of any bank efta-
blifhed, or that may be eftablifhed, under a charter from the government of
the United States, or of any particular ftate, it fhall be deemed and conftrued to
be felony, of the fame nature and in the fame degree as if the offender had ftolen,
or taken by robbery, any other goods of like value with the money due on fuch
bank note, and fuch offender fhall fuffer fuch punifhment as he fhould or might
have done if he had ftolen, or taken by robbery, other goods of the like value
with the money due on fuch note.
II. And be it enacted, That if any perfon or perfons fhall, within this ftate,
forge or counterfeit any of the notes or checks of any of the faid banks, or pay,
or tender in payment, or in any manner pafs, or offer to pafs, fuch forged or
counterfeited notes or checks, knowing them to be forged or counterfeited, and
fhall thereof be convicted in any court of law within this ftate, he or they fhall
be adjudged a felon or felons, and fuffer fuch punifhment as if he or they had
been adjudged guilty of ftealing, or taking by robbery, goods of the like value
with the money due on fuch bank note or check.
Paffed De-
cember 29.
An ACT to repeal, conditionally, an act, entitled, An act for the
relief of William Whetcroft, of the city of Annapolis, paffed
at November feffion, feventeen hundred and feventy-nine.
WHEREAS Edward Dorfey, of Anne-Arundel county, iron-mafter, in
the faid act mentioned, hath, by his petition to this general affembly,
prayed a repeal of the fame, as being unconftitutional and oppreffive :