that the walls of the fame are fo decayed that it cannot be repaired; and they
have prayed that an act may pafs for erecting a new one in the faid town,
ers appointed,
II. And be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That Meffieurs Jere-
miah Nicols, Richard Tilghman, 4th, Benjamin Chambers, Simon Wilmer,
fenior, and James Smith, or the major part of them, fhall be commiffioners for
the purpofe of erecting a new gaol in Chefter-town, in Kent county aforefaid
and the faid commiffioners are hereby empowered to contract for materials, and
to agree with workmen, to build and finifh the faid gaol, which, when com-
pleted, fhall, by the faid commiffioners, be put into the cuftody and poffeffion of
the fheriff of Kent county for the time being, and fo fhall remain and continue
in the cuftody and poffeffion of fuch fheriff, and his fucceffors, as a public gaol
for Kent county.
Juftices to le-
vy money, &c.
III. And be it enacted, That the juftices of Kent county for the time being
be and they are hereby authorifed and directed, as foon as conveniently may be
after the paffing of this act, and at their levy courts in the years feventeen hun-
dred and ninety-three and feventeen hundred and ninety-four, to impofe on the
affeffable property of the faid county the fum of twelve hundred pounds current
money, to be affeffed in three equal portions, together with an allowance to the
collector of the fame commiffion for collection that he receives for collecting the
other county levy; which fum, fo affeffed, fhall be collected by the collector of
Kent county aforefaid as other county taxes are collected, and, when fo collected,
fhall, by the faid fheriff, be paid to the commiffioners aforefaid, or the major part
of them, to be by them applied towards erecting the faid gaol.
Old gaol to be
fold, &c.
IV. And be it enacted, That the commiffioners above named, or the major
part of them, fhall be and are hereby authorifed and empowered to fell the ma-
terials of the old gaol of faid county, and retain the money arifing from the fale
of the fame as a further fund for erecting the new one.
How vacan-
cies are to be
V. And be it enacted, That in cafe any of the faid commiffioners fhall refufe
to act, die, remove out of the county, or be incapable to act, the refidue, or the
major part of them, fhall fill up the vacancy.
Paffed De-
cember 22.
An ACT to alter and amend the act eftablifhing a market at the
market-houfe in Chefter-town, Kent county, fo far as the fame
refpects the cordage of wood.
WHEREAS it is reprefented to this general affembly, that under the
prefent regulation for the cordage of wood in Chefter-town, Kent
county, it is found difficult to procure a proper perfon to act as
corder, and the inhabitants of faid town experience confiderable inconvenience
Firewood to
be corded,
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That from and after
the firft day of January next all firewood brought to, and offered for fale in, the
faid town, whether by land or water, fhall be fet up, corded and meafured, by
fome wood-corder appointed as directed in an act paffed at November feffion, fe-
venteen hundred and eighty-four, entitled, An act to eftablifh a market at the mar-
ket-houfe in Chefter-town, Kent county, and for the regulation of the faid mar-
ket; and that each cord of wood fhall be eight feet in length, four feet in breadth,
four feet in height, and well flowed and clofe packed; and that the faid wood-
corder, for his trouble in cording and packing the fame, fhall have and receive
the fum of fix-pence current money for each cord, to be paid by the perfon who
offers the wood for fale.
Penalty for
neglect, &c.
III. And be it enacted, That if any perfon fhall buy any firewood brought to
the faid town, and fhall neglect or refufe to have the fame corded and meafured
by fome wood-corder appointed as aforefaid, fuch perfon fhall forfeit and pay the