of MARYLAND, begun and held at the City of
ANNAPOLIS, on Monday the fecond of April, in
the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred
and ninety-two, and ended the fixth of the fame
month, the following LAWS were enacted :
THOMAS SIM LEE, Efquire, Governor.
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act to eftablifh a bank in
April 6.
BE it enacted by the General Affembly of Maryland, That if any perfon or
perfons fhall fteal, or take by robbery, any of the notes of the faid bank,
it fhall be deemed and confirmed to be felony, of the fame nature and in
the fame degree as if the offender had ftolen, or taken by robbery, any other
goods of like value with the money due on fuch bank note, and fuch offender
fhall fuffer fuch punifhment as he fhould or might have done if he had ftolen,
or taken by robbery, Other goods of the like value with the money due on fuch
bank note.
Stealing of
notes deemed
felony, &c.
Ah ACT to authorife the juftices of Dorchefter county to affefs
and levy a fum of money on the inhabitants of faid county for
the purpofe therein mentioned.
April 6.
WHEREAS it is reprefented to this general affembly, that the court-
houfe in the town of Cambridge, in Dorchefter county, ftands in
need of confiderable repairs and alterations, and it is prayed that the
juftices of Dorchefter county be empowered and directed to levy a fufficient fum
of money for the purpofe aforefaid ;
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the juftices of
the peace of Dorchefter county fhall, and they are hereby empowered and directed,
to affefs and levy, at the requeft of the juftices of Dorchefter county court, and
at fuch time or times as the faid court fhall require, on the affeffable property of
Dorchefter county aforefaid, any fum of current money, not exceeding three
hundred pounds, to be applied, by the juftices of Dorchefter county court, to
the making fuch repairs, alterations and improvements, in the faid court-houfe,
as to them fhall feem neceffary for the convenience of the faid court, their
officers, and other perfons attending the faid court.
Juftices to le-
vy money,
An ACT continuing in force certain acts and refolutions of the
general affembly for the time therein mentioned.
April 6.
Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That all acts and re-
folutions of the general affembly, which would otherwife expire or ceafe
to have effect after the end of this prefent feffion, fhall be and they are
hereby continued, and fhall be in force until the end of the next feffion of the
general affembly.
Acts, &c.