THOMAS SIM LEE, Efquire, Governor.
more water company than as before recited, or any ufe of the faid company's
water, but by exprefs agreement, except in cafes of fire, for the extinguifhment
An ACT to enable John M'Kim and John Brown, of Baltimore
county, to convey certain lands to the ufes therein mentioned.
WHEREAS, by the declaration of rights, all gifts, fales or devifes of
land, exceeding two acres, to any religious fect, order or denomination,
for the fupport, ufe, intereft or benefit of, or in truft for, the fame,
are declared void, without the leave of the legiflature: And whereas the faid John
M'Kim and John Brown have reprefented to this general affembly, that they are
feized and poffeffed of part of a tract of land, called Darley Hall, lying in Bal-
timore county, containing about thirty acres, and that they are willing and
defirous to convey the fame to the ufe of the religious fociety of people called
Quakers, in Baltimore-town, as a pafture, if authorifed fo to do by the legi-
Paffed De-
cember 22.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the leave of the
legiflature fhall be and is hereby granted, and the faid John M'Kim and John
Brown fhall be and they are hereby authorifed to convey to fuch perfons as the
faid fociety of people called Quakers fhall direct and appoint, the above-mention-
ed tract or parcel of land, in truft, for the ufe of the faid religious fociety of
people called Quakers, as a pafture, in fee-fimple for ever, and for no other life
or purpofe whatsoever than for a pafture.
Leave grant-
ed, &c.
A Further fupplement to the act to encourage the deftroying of
WHEREAS, by the act, entitled, An act to encourage the deftroying of
wolves, it is enacted, that when any credible free perfon or perfons
fhould have brought before any juftice of the peace, within any of
the counties of this ftate, the head or heads of any wolf or wolves, and make
oath, or affirmation, that the fame were actually caught and killed within the
limits of the county in which he or they pray an allowance, fuch juftice fhould
give fuch perfon or perfons producing, a certificate of fuch head or heads pro-
duced and proved as aforefaid, and that every perfon or perfons, who fhould pro-
duce a certificate as aforefaid to the juftice of the county wherein the fame was
killed, at the levy court, the juftices of faid court fhould levy and affefs money
for the payment of the bounty the perfon or perfons were entitled to by virtue of
the act aforefaid; And whereas, previous to the divifion of Wafhington county,
fundry perfons were poffeffed of certificates as aforefaid, but the levy court of
faid county meeting after Allegany county was taken off and feparated from
Wafhington county, the juftices of faid court refufed to levy money to difcharge
faid certificates, and the juftices of Allegany county alfo refufed to difcharge the
fame; therefore,
Paffed De-
cember 22.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the juftices of
the levy courts of Wafhington and Allegany counties be and they are hereby
authorifed, empowered and directed, to levy and affefs in their refpecftive counties,
together with the fheriff's commiffion for collecting the fame, fuch fum or fums
of money as the faid perfons, fo aforefaid circumftanced, are entitled to under
the aforefaid act, proportionate to the property in each of the faid counties, the
fame money to be paid by the sheriff to fuch perfon or perfons as fhall be entitled
to receive the fame.
Juftices to le-
vy money, &c.
An ACT for the relief of certain foreigners who have fettled with-
fin this ftate, further fupplementary to the ad for naturalization.
WHEREAS the act tor naturalization, paffed at July feffion, in the year
Seventeen hundred and feventy-nine, declares, that every perfon who
fhall thereafter come into this ftate, from any nation, kingdom or
Paffed De-
cember 22.