may be lawful for the said William Hamersley and
Francis Hamersley at all times hereafter to be called
and known by the name of William Hamersley Pile
and Francis Hamersley Pile, and by that name to sue
and to be sued in any court of law or equity; and the
sur-name of the said William Hamersley, and Francis
Hamersley, his son, shall be, and are hereby changed
and altered to the sur-name of Pile, and shall be from
henceforth called by the surname of Pile.
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all securities,
promises, contracts, assurances, deeds and lawful acts,
whatsoever, heretofore made or done, or hereafter to
be made or done, by or to the said William Hamersley
or Francis Hamersley, by the name of William Hamer-
sley Pile or Francis Hamersley Pile, or heretofore
made to, or hereafter to be made or done by the said
William or Francis by the sur-name of Pile, shall be of
the same force and effect, and of equal avail to all in-
tents and purposes as if the name of William Hamer-
sley Pile and Francis Hamersley Pile had been the
true and proper names of William Hamersley and
Francis Hamersley, and as if the sur-name of Pile had
been the true and proper surname of the said William
Hamersley and Francis Hamersley, his son, from their
birth, any law, statute or custom to the contrary not-
Securities, &c,
made and done
in these names
shall be valid.
"An act to provide for the settlement of claims arising
from the past or future employment of the militia
of this state.
Passed May 28,
Sec. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the governor and council are
hereby directed to appoint two fit and proper persons,
one to be a resident on the Eastern, and the other on
the Western Shore, who shall be styled Accountants
of Militia Claims, who shall be charged with the set-
tlement of all claims against the state arising from the
past or future employment of the militia of this state,
on their respective shores, and it shall be their duty to
report, from time to time, all such settlements, with
the vouchers thereof, as shall have been made by them
to the governor and council for their revision.
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the governor
and council shall give to said accountants such instruc-
tions as they shall think necessary, in what manner
they shall settle and pass the accounts presented to
them; and shall also if they deem it necessary, direct
Accountants of
militia claims
—by whom to
be appointed.