ration of their
of bailiff.
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commis-
sioners so elected shall use and exercise all the powers
which they might have done, had the election been at
the time proscribed by the original act to which this
is a supplement, and the office of each class shall ex-
pire and determine as it would have done in case the
election had been held at the time originally prescribed.
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the bailiff of
the said town may be appointed by the commissioners,
at any time after giving ten days notice of the time of
appointment by advertisement set up at the court house
door in said town.
4, AND BE IT ENACTED, That if an election
at any time shall not be had at the times prescribed and
directed by the original act and by this supplement,
that an election in such case shall be made after ten
days notice thereof shall have been given by the per-
son or persons appointed and authorised to act as judge
or judges of the same.
Passed May
20, 1813.
Baltimore and
town turn-pike
road may be
A further additional supplement to an act entitled "An
act to incorporate companies to make several turn-
pike roads through Baltimore county, and for other
purposes. "
Sec. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That the president and directors
of the Baltimore and Frederick town turnpike" compa-
ny for the time being be, and they are hereby empow-
ered to extend the said turnpike road to Hager's-Town
and William's-Port, or either of said towns in Washing-
ton county, at any time within the period of five years,
under the same regulations and restrictions, and enti-
tled to the same tolls and immunities and advantages as
they are authorised to take and receive by the act to
which this is a further additional supplement
Passed May
21, 1813.
Benefits of the
insolvent laws
may be grant-
An act for the relief of Peter A. Carns, of St. Ma-
ry's county.
Sec. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That the judges or any judge of
St. Mary's county court be. and they, or any one of
them, are hereby authorised and directed to extend to
Peter A. Carns, the benefit and relief of the act of as-
sembly, passed at November session, eighteen hun-
dred and five, entitled, an act for the relief of sundry
insolvent debtors, and the supplements thereto, with-
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