the political subdivision of Maryland
by a formula based on estimated total
valuations of real and personal prop-
erty subject to local taxation as the
measure of each sub-division's ability
to pay for its health services. Such
total valuations for each subdivision
shall be estimated by the State Tax
Commission and certified to the State
Board of Health. An estimated bud-
get for minimum health services
shall be calculated for each political
subdivision. Each subdivision's share
of its own minimum budget shall be
that percentage of half the total esti-
mated minimum budgets of all sub-
divisions which that subdivision's
total estimated, real and personal
property valuations bear to the total
estimated real and personal property
valuations of all subdivisions. Each
political subdivision's share of the
funds available to the State Depart-
ment of Health is the difference be-
tween the total estimated budget for
that subdivision and that subdivi-
sion's appropriation; however, no
subdivision shall pay more than 80%
of its minimum budget nor less than
20%. The State Department of
Health shall expend the same pro-
portion of its share of the estimated
minimum budget in any subdivision,
up to the total of its share, that
actual expenditures, as established
to the satisfaction of the State Board
of Health, made by that subdivision
for general health services bears to
that subdivision's share of its esti-
mated minimum budget, provided
that all such expenditures do not ex-
ceed the total amounts available un-
der the appropriations herein set
forth. The State Board of Health
shall allow a transition period of not
to exceed six years from July 1, 1956.
If any subdivision appropriates and
expends more than is provided
herein as its share of its estimated
budget for minimum health serv-
ices, as adjusted for the period of
transition, the State Board of
Health is authorized, subject to
availability of funds under this
appropriation, to match such addi-