keeping more than twenty-five (25) dogs. The license or fee shall
be the only license or tax required for the ownership or keeping of
a dog or dogs. The license shall be issued on a form prepared and
supplied by the County Commissioners, shall be dated and numbered
and shall contain a description of the dog. All licenses shall be void
upon the first day of July of the following year. The County
Commissioners shall furnish, and the County Treasurer or the dog
warden or his deputy issuing the license, shall issue, with each li-
cense, a metal tag, which shall be affixed to a substantial collar.
The collar shall be furnished by the owner, and with the tag at-
tached shall at all times be kept on the dog for which the license is
issued, except when confined in the kennel or when hunting in the
charge of an attendant.
110. The County Commissioners shall prepare and furnish an-
nually to the County Treasurer, and to the dog warden and his
deputy, metal tags to be given the owners of dogs when the owners
shall pay the license fee for dogs. The tags shall be of metal, and
have a serial number corresponding with the number on the license
issued to the owner, as provided in Section 109. The tags shall also
have impressed thereon the calendar year for which the tag is
issued, and shall not be more than two (2) inches in length, and
shall be equipped with a substantial metal fastening device. The
general shape of the tag shall be changed from year to year, and
the tags furnished the owners of kennels shall have the word "Ken-
nel" thereon. If any tag is lost it shall be replaced by the County
Treasurer, or dog warden or his deputy, upon application by the
person to whom the original license was issued, upon the produc-
tion of the license and payment of a fee of fifty cents.
111. The County Commissioners of Calvert County shall appoint
a dog warden and may appoint deputy dog wardens in their discre-
tion. The dog warden and any deputies appointed shall serve at the
discretion of the County Commissioners and shall be paid such sal-
ary and allowances for travel as the Commissioners may prescribe.
Before entering upon the duties of office, the dog warden and any
deputy dog wardens appointed shall give bond to the State of Mary-
land with good and sufficient surety, to be approved by the Com-
missioners, in such penalty as the Commissioners shall determine
conditioned on the faithful performance of duties and proper ac-
counting for all monies and property received by virtue of the posi-
tion. The bond shall be in the form of a "public employee's faithful
performance blanket bond" for the dog warden and all deputies, if
possible. The premiums shall be borne by Calvert County, and the
bonds shall be filed and recorded in the office of the Clerk of the
Circuit Court of the County.
112. It shall be the duty of the dog warden and any deputies ap-
pointed to enforce the provisions of this subtitle. The dog warden or
his duly authorized deputies shall have the power to issue summons
to any person violating any provision of this subtitle.
113. The County Commissioners of Calvert County may con-
struct or lease, operate and maintain a dog pound for and in Cal-
vert County. The cost of the pound and the operation thereof shall