50 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 43
ment or privilege therein, as may be necessary for any or all of
the above mentioned purposes; conferring certain powers upon
said municipality in connection with the purchase and condem-
nation of land and property to enable it to accomplish and effec-
tuate the objectives and purposes of this Act; and to authorize
said municipality to submit an ordinance or ordinances for said
purposes to the legal voters of Baltimore City.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore be and it is hereby
authorized to issue the certificates of indebtedness of said corpor-
ation to an amount not exceeding Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000),
said certificates of indebtedness to be issued from time to time and
for such amounts, payable at such periods, and to bear such rate or
rates of interest, all as the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore
shall by ordinance or ordinances from time to time provide; but
said certificates of indebtedness shall not be issued, in whole or in
part, unless an ordinance or ordinances of the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore providing for the issuance thereof shall be
submitted to the legal voters of Baltimore City at such time and
place as may be fixed by said ordinance or ordinances, and be ap-
proved by a majority of the votes cast at such time and place, as
required by Section 7 of Article XI of the Constitution of Mary-
land; and the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, in submitting
any ordinance or ordinances for the issuance of said certificates of
indebtedness, or any part thereof, to the legal voters of Baltimore
City, may submit and re-submit the same at any municipal election
as well as at any general election to be held in Baltimore City.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the proceeds of sale of
the certificates of indebtedness hereby authorized to be issued, not
exceeding the par value thereof, shall be used for the purpose of en-
larging, extending and improving the sanitary sewerage and storm
water drainage systems of Baltimore City, including the construc-
tion of additional sewage disposal plants, pumping stations and
other appurtenances, the alteration, repair and improvement of
existing sewage disposal plants, pumping stations and other appur-
tenances, and the acquisition by purchase or condemnation of any
and all sanitary and storm water sewers, sewage disposal plants,
pumping stations and other appurtenances, as well as of any and all
land and property, and of any right, interest, franchise, easement
or privilege therein, as may be necessary for any or all of the above-
mentioned purposes.
To enable it to accomplish and effectuate the objects and purposes
of this Act, the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore shall have all
the power of purchase and/or condemnation of land and property
(including the power to purchase and/or condemn land and property
or any interest therein or appurtenant thereto devoted to public
or quasi-public use) as is conferred upon the Mayor and City Coun-
cil of Baltimore or any agency thereof by Chapter 349 of the Acts
of the General Assembly of 1904, authorizing the establishment of
the sanitary sewerage and storm water drainage systems of Bal-
timore City.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore may, by ordinance or ordinances, authorize the