4 Laws of Maryland Ch. 1
ship and information to the public and private agencies in the po-
litical sub-divisions of this State.
2. (a). There is hereby created a Commission to be known as the
State Coordinating Commission on Problems of the Aging. The Com-
mission shall consist of sixteen (16) members, ten of whom shall be
appointed by the Governor for terms of six years. Of the ten mem-
bers appointed by the Governor, one shall be a member of the Senate
of Maryland, one a member of the House of Delegates of Maryland,
one a representative of the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Mary-
land, one a representative of the Baltimore City Medical Society,
one a representative of labor, one a representative of industry, one
member who shall be specially knowledgeable in research, one mem-
ber who shall be associated with the work of charitable organiza-
tions, and two members who shall be selected because of their in-
terest in the problems of the aging. Of the said ten members first
appointed, two shall be appointed for terms of two years, two for
terms of three years, two for terms of four years, two for terms
of five years and two for terms of six years, but thereafter, their
successors shall be appointed for terms of six years each. The Gov-
ernor shall designate one of said ten members as Chairman of the
Commission. In case of any vacancy, the Governor shall appoint a
successor to serve for the remainder of the unexpired term. Mem-
bers thereof shall be eligible for reappointment. Six members of
the Commission shall be, ex officio, the Director of the State Depart-
ment of Health, the Commissioner of the Department of Mental Hy-
giene, the Director of the State Department of Public Welfare, the
State Superintendent of Schools, the Executive Director of the De-
partment of Employment Security, and the Chairman of the State
Planning Commission.
(b). The members of the Commission shall not receive any comp-
ensation for their services but shall be paid their reasonably neces-
sary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.
(c). Any appointive member of the Commission who without good
cause misses or fails to attend three consecutive meetings of the
Commission shall be deemed to have resigned or refused his member-
ship. When the Governor determines there is a vacancy on the
Commission under the provisions of this section, he shall proceed to
fill it for the unexpired term, by appointing thereto a person with
the qualifications specified in this section.
3. The Commission shall appoint a properly qualified person as
Executive Director of the Commission, who shall perform such duties
as shall be designated by the Commission. The Director shall not
be subject to the provisions of Article 64A of this Code, entitled
"Merit System". He shall receive such salary as shall be determined
by the Commission and which shall be provided in the budget. The
Director may be authorized to employ such assistants as shall be
necessary to carry out his duties.
4. (a). The Commission shall have authority and power to make
such surveys and studies concerning the problems of the aging as
it may determine, to promote in every manner possible the welfare
and the betterment of the aged people of this State. In making such
studies and surveys, it shall be authorized to expend any funds which