334 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 264
to be repaid to the State of Maryland from funds
obtained from the sale of the first issue of bonds of
the Authority prior to any other payments from said
funds, as provided by Chapter 845 of the Laws of
Maryland of 1957; provided that said funds, and the
expenditures of said funds, shall not be subject to
the provisions of Sections 7, 8 and 10 of this
Act .................................................................... 45,000
Remainder needed for completion of third
floor of new State Office Building in
Annapolis for use of State Comptroller's
office ................................................................ 45,000
Total—Board of Public Works................................ 90,000
Department of Motor Vehicles:
Supplementary appropriation for purchase of site for
new headquarters building and grounds supplement-
ing the appropriation contained on page 245 of the
Laws of the General Assembly of Maryland of 1956 230,000
Military Department:
Construction of new sewer lines at
the Chestertown and La Plata
Armories ........................................ $ 20,000
Construction and installation of new
Flag Cases at State House............ 0
To supplement the appropriation for
the construction of an Armory to
be erected in the Baltimore Metro-
politan Area as shown on page 411
of the Acts of 1955 and as amended
by Chapter 731 of the Acts of
1957; Section 7 of Chapter 266 of
the Acts of 1955 being hereby re-
pealed to the extent that work on
said building may begin upon sat-
isfactory assurances to the Board
of Public Works that said project
can be completed with the aggre-
gate of the funds herein and here-
tofore appropriated for that pur-
pose .................................................. 0
Total—Military Department .................... 20,000
Department of Maryland State Police:
Construction of athletic field for
State Police Training Academy 0