by that name shall have perpetual succession, and shall be capable
to sue and be sued, to have a common seal, and the same at its
pleasure to alter and/or break, and to have all the powers herein
granted it, and all such other powers as shall be proper and neces-
sary to operate and manage said Hospital and/or a public general
hospital, as fully as if incorporated for such purposes under the
provisions of the Public General Laws of Maryland.
(b) [The] Said Board of Governors shall have the power by ma-
jority vote of all the members of the Board, for cause, at any reg-
ular meeting, after not less than one week's notice to such member,
to expel an appointed member, and in the event of a vacancy caused
by death, resignation, expulsion or removal from Garrett County of
any member who holds office by appointment, selection or election
as aforesaid and upon the failure of the proper selecting body to fill
such vacancy for a period of thirty days, the Board of Governors
shall have the power to fill such vacancy.
(c) [The] Said Board shall hold its first meeting on the call of
the President of the County Commissioners of Garrett County and
shall elect from among its members a Chairman and Vice-Chair-
man. The Board shall also elect a secretary, treasurer and such other
officers as it may determine. The board shall meet at least once each
month and at such other times as it shall determine, or when called
by the Chairman.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1959.
Approved March 11, 1959.
(Senate Bill 259)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 2 of
Article 56 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Edition),
title "Licenses", sub-title "Mode of Issuing—General Provisions",
so as to transfer the issuance of licenses for restaurants in Mont-
gomery County from the Clerk of the Circuit Court to the County
Manager or his designated agent, subject to such regulations, fees,
charges, and penalties as may be prescribed by the County Coun-
cil; to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Sections 3, 9, and 11
of the aforesaid Article, title and sub-title so as to render those
Sections, insofar as they relate to restaurant or eating places, in-
applicable in Montgomery County; and to repeal and re-enact,
with amendments, Section 178 of the aforesaid Article and title,
sub-title "Miscellaneous Licenses", so as to render that Section in-
applicable in Montgomery County.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Section 2 of Article 56 of the Annotated Code of Maryland
Explanation: Italics indicate new matter added to existing law.
[Brackets] indicate matter stricken from existing law.
CAPITALS indicate amendments to bill.
Strike out indicates matter stricken out of bill.