1498 Vetoes
relating to lapse of commercial net fishing licenses for non-use
of the license.
May 4, 1959.
Honorable Perry O. Wilkinson
Speaker of the House of Delegates
State House
Annapolis, Maryland
Dear Mr. Speaker:
After discussions with the Chairman of the Department of Tide-
water Fisheries, and other people associated with the commercial
fishing industry, I have reached the conclusion that House Bill 328
should be vetoed.
I am herewith returning to you House Bill 328 along with my veto
message as is required by Article 2, Section 17 of the State Consti-
Under the provisions of the Fishery Management Act of 1941, any
person who holds a commercial net license and who fails to make a
bona-fide use of his license within a period of two years, loses his
license. The law states that his license lapses if not used for two
consecutive years. House Bill 328 would extend this from two years
to four consecutive years. Under the present Bill, a commercial
fisherman could hold a license for a period up to four years without
using the same, and not have the same lapse.
The Fishery Management Act of 1941 was enacted to implement
a broad and comprehensive approach to the conservation of Mary-
land's fisheries through the media of positive and effective control
and management. Each provision of the Act bears a definite relation,
one to the other. No one provision of the Act may be changed without
the entire Act being subjected to a corresponding alteration.
Over the years, since its passage, the Fishery Management Act
has demonstrated its value in the field of fin fish conservation. Any
change in the Act could do nothing otherwise than to nullify its
effectiveness and tend to destroy the accomplishments gained as a
result of the Act.
This Bill is in direct conflict with the intentions of this particular
Act and, because of this, I feel I have no other choice than to veto
the Bill.
Respectfully yours,
JMT:S:g Governor.
House Bill No. 338—Clerks of Courts; Bar Libraries
AN ACT to add Section 44A to Article 17 of the Annotated Code of
Maryland (1957 Edition), title "Clerks of Courts", sub-title "Gen-
eral Duties of Clerks", said new section to follow immediately after
Section 44 thereof, to provide that the cost of law books for the
Court library in Baltimore County shall, upon approval by the
Court, be allowed as an expense of the office of the Clerk of the
Circuit Court for Baltimore County in an amount not exceeding
$25,000.00 $10,000.00 in any one year. AUTHORIZING THE