availability of plans and specifications for these projects, emphasize
my conviction that the Bill must be vetoed.
Sincerely yours,
JMT/S/els Governor.
Senate Bill No. 466—Shellfish Parasites
AN ACT to add a new Section 697A to Article 66C of the Annotated
Code of Maryland (1957 Edition), title "Natural Resources", sub-
title "Oysters and Clams", to follow immediately after Section 697
thereof, authorizing the Tidewater Fisheries Commission by regu-
lation to prevent the introduction, infection, or spread of any
shellfish parasite, pest, disease, or other detrimental organism
into or within waters of this State, and relating generally to terms
and exercise of this power.
April 30, 1959.
Honorable George W. Della
President of the Senate
State House
Annapolis, Maryland
Dear Mr. President:
As is necessary under Article II, Section 17 of the Constitution of
Maryland in all cases where I have exercised my constitutional right
of veto, I am returning to you Senate Bill No. 466, vetoed by me
During the last few years, seafood producing States to the north
of Maryland have encountered a great deal of difficulty as a result
of a disease of unknown origin that has been plaguing the oyster
industry. Many members of the Maryland Legislature expressed con-
cern over the difficulty being encountered by the States of Delaware,
New Jersey, and others, and during the recent session of the Gen-
eral Assembly, some of these legislators appropriately took steps to
prevent the importation of diseased oysters into our State with the
hope that by doing so, Maryland's oyster supply would not be placed
in jeopardy.
Senate Bill No. 466 and House Bill No. 812 are the results of this
effort. Both of these bills are designed to give the Department of
Tidewater Fisheries the authority to regulate and control diseased
oysters of every description and to place an embargo upon their
importation into this State. These two bills are a duplication of
House Bill No. 812 was signed by me on April 28, 1959, and is
now Chapter 709 of the 1959 Laws of Maryland. As a result of
the action taken by me on House Bill No. 812, it is unnecessary to
place my signature on Senate Bill No. 466. Consequently I am
vetoing the same.
Sincerely yours,
JMT/LS/db Governor.