Joint Resolutions
Name of Engagement
most captured two future presi-
dents of the United States, Gen-
eral Rutherford B. Hayes and
Major William McKinley, who
were late in returning from an
Fair Haven, Chesapeake Bay —
Capture of Steamer Harriet De-
Date of
143. Chesapeake Bay
144. Pritchards Mill
U. S. Civil War Documents 4/4/1865
U. S. Civil War Documents not known
U. S. Civil War Documents exact date
They should be properly marked, if not already, by road signs and
that the high schools in each community be directed by the State
Board of Education to set aside time in history and English instruc-
tion to collect any stories, anecdotes, history, traditions, folk lore,
books and pictures, also local songs and poetry dealing with these
engagements and other Civil War events; have said material or-
ganized and neatly written up in essay form; the best of which are
to be filed with both local and state historical societies or libraries;
and be it further
Resolved, That the State Board of Education be requested to formu-
late plans for programs to be held in all the public schools of Mary-
land during the Antietam Commemoration Year 1962, as a part of
the State's celebration of the Civil War Centennial; and be it further
Resolved, That by governmental GUBERNATORIAL proclama-
tion, the year 1962 be designated as the Antietam Centennial year in
Maryland; that Maryland emphasize heroic sacrifices for deep con-
victions, unity, goodwill, toleration, peace and brotherhood and point
to the fact, as Bruce Catton says, the Civil War was an opening of an
era rather than the closing of one—not an ending, but a beginning—
a time from which we made a fresh start. The Civil War is still
going on as a struggle for liberty and for making liberty work in
democracy, a government of the people; and be it further
Resolved, That a committee of nine, three from the House, three
from the Senate and three appointed by the Governor to represent
him, be created to suggest plans to the next 1961 session of the
Legislature as to how these objectives and other Civil War objectives
may best be realized.
Approved April 28, 1959.