including drainage, walks, and
landscaping for inner campus 64,000
Total—Frostburg State Teachers
College ....................................................................................... 719,000
Salisbury State Teachers College:
Planning and preparation of de-
sign, plans and specifications
for gymnasium.......................................... 6,000
This appropriation for the prep-
aration of plans and prelim-
inary specifications is contin-
gent upon the plans and speci-
fications being considered by
the State Planning Commis-
sion for a period of not less
than six months before the
Commission shall make a rec-
ommendation for the appro-
priation of funds for the con-
struction of the building.
For construction of additional fa-
cilities for the laboratory
school ............................................................... 125,000
To convert old library building to
student activities building,
including necessary equipment
and furnishings....................................... 60,000
To modify language of the appro-
priations for remodeling and
equipping of women's residence
hall, old demonstration school
and two houses for college use
shown on page 253 of the Acts
of 1956, to embrace, only the
remodeling and equipping of
the old demonstration school
and to supplement the said ap-
propriations; Section 7 of
Chapter 98 of the Acts of 1956
being hereby repealed to the ex-
tent that the work of remod-
eling and equipping the old
demonstration school may be-
gin upon satisfactory assur-
ances to the Board of Public
Works that the modified pro-
ject can be completed with the
aggregate of the funds herein
and heretofore appropriated
for the purposes cited........................ 10,000
Total—Salisbury State Teachers
College ........................................................................................ 201,000