License Bureau........................................................................................
85, 048. 99
56, 222. 84
28, 409. 48
416. 67
Bureau of Revenue Estimates................................................................
12, 964. 40
12, 964. 40
Admissions Tax Division........................................................................
79, 895. 97
79, 895. 97
Alcoholic Beverages Tax Division..........................................................
317, 161. 70
289, 854. 52
27, 307. 18
Gasoline Tax Division............................................................................
3, 031, 451. 39
225, 211. 31
2, 806, 240. 08
Income Tax Division................................................................................
9, 961, 073. 13
1, 351, 989. 17
8, 609, 083. 96
Retail Sales Tax Division........................................................................
1, 601, 336. 68
758, 709. 58
237, 575. 48
605, 051. 62
Central Payroll Bureau............................................................................
129, 349. 23
129, 349. 23
Department of Budget and Procurement....................................................
362, 198. 99
362, 198. 99
Commissioner of Personnel..........................................
362, 828. 12
362, 828. 12
Employees' Standard Salary Board............................................................
1, 476. 00
1, 476. 00
Maryland State Planning Commission (1)..............................................
134, 955. 08
134, 955. 08
Department of Public Improvements........................................................
329, 891. 86
329, 891. 44
. 42
State Auditor............................................................................
267, 636. 43
267, 636. 43
State Tax Commission...............................................................
811, 390. 24
797, 470. 41
13, 919. 83
Department of Parole and Probation........................................................
405, 236. 62
405, 236. 62
Hall of Records Commission.....................................................................
117, 832. 37
117, 832. 37
Maryland Historical Society........................................................................
25, 491. 02
25, 490. 23
. 79
Superintendent of Public Buildings and Grounds....................................
419, 397. 18
419, 397. 18
State Office Building ? Baltimore................................................................
131, 787. 58
113, 543. 26
18, 244. 32
Department of Labor and Industry-?........................................................
245, 682. 35
235, 682. 35
10, 000. 00
Department of Motor Vehicles..................................................................
3, 260, 597. 75
3, 205, 132. 68
55, 465. 07
Military Department....................................................................................
870, 137. 83
660, 948. 14
83, 251. 74
125, 937. 95
Civil Defense Agency....................................................................................
166, 602. 49
103, 087. 31
63, 515. 18
Department of Maryland State Police......................................................
4, 667, 136. 15
4, 667, 136. 15
Department of Post Mortem Examiners....................................................
115, 333. 93
115, 333. 93
Commissioners of the State Accident Fund............................................
243, 334. 71
243, 334. 71
Workmen's Compensation Commission........................................................
402, 882. 72
402, 882. 72
State Insurance Department........................................................................
275, 264. 99
273, 181. 99
2, 083. 00
State Bank Commissioner............................................................................
244, 147. 30
244, 147. 30
Administrator of Loan Laws........................................................................
63, 101. 85
63, 101. 85
State Aviation Commission........................................................................
317, 659. 63
50, 000. 00
21, 717. 00
245, 942. 63
Public Service Commission..........................................................................
291, 436. 80
291, 432. 80
4. 00
Real Estate Commission..............................................................................
47, 119. 82
47, 119. 82
Commissioner of the Land Office................................................................
32, 052. 72
32, 052. 72
State Athletic Commission............................................................................
17, 562. 74
17, 562. 74
Maryland Racing Commission....................................................................
235, 866. 78
44, 081. 78
191, 785. 00
Maryland State Board of Motion Picture Censors....................................
64, 196. 23
64, 196. 23
State Board of Examiners and Registration of Architects....................
6, 875. 82
6, 875. 82
State Board of Barber Examiners............................................................
12, 627. 89
12, 617. 89
10. 00
State Board of Chiropody Examiners......................................................
768. 39
768. 39
State Board of Chiropractic Examiners..................................................
6, 395. 34
6, 395. 34
State Board of Dental Examiners............................................................
5, 013. 46
5, 013. 46
State Board of Electrical Examiners and Supervisors........................
11, 323, 13
11, 323, 13
State Board of Examining Engineers......................................................
9, 172. 39
9, 172. 39
State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land
4, 709. 47
4, 669. 47
40. 00
State Board of Funeral Directors and Embalmers..................................
14, 438. 01
14, 318. 01
120. 00
State Board of Hairdressers and Beauty Culturists................................
48, 282. 29
48, 101. 29
181. 00
State Board of Law Examiners................................................................
31, 891. 12
31, 891. 12
State Board of Medical Examiners............................................................
23, 192. 19
23, 048. 19
144. 00