Department of Geology, Mines and
Water Resources — Geology, and
Water Resources..............................
28, 984. 88
13, 124. 88
92. 97
15, 720. 00
47. 03
Department of Geology, Mines and
Water Resources — Bureau of Mines
80. 00
80. 00
Department of Research and Education
147, 631. 35
85. 00
21. 25
132, 566. 10
14, 955. 00
4. 00
Maryland State Apple Commission....
7, 223. 39.
7, 223. 39
Maryland State Fair Board................
36, 990. 13.
36, 917. 73
72. 40
State Tobacco Authority....................
26, 463. 70.
26, 463. 70
State Tobacco Warehouse....................
74, 584. 10.
74, 564. 10
20. 00
Department of Information of the
State of Maryland..........................
2, 118. 66
623. 12
1, 495. 54
State Department of Health:
324, 821. 16
54, 850. 82
35, 315. 10
204, 752. 00
$ 28, 732. 66
l, 17a. 58
Local Health Operation....................
1, 819, 006. 29
13, 196. 70
796, 553. 17
960, 056. 57
21, 301. 22
27, 898. 63
Medical Care Services....................
1, 707, 969. 63
24, 646. 59
1, 478, 907. 72
201, 179. 57
3, 235. 75
Survey and Construction of
Medical Facilities........................
1, 846, 540. 34.
2, 710. 00
1, 843, 802. 84
27. 50
Deer's Head State Hospital............
29, 711. 93
7, 36*5. 96
22, 345. 97
Montebello State Hospital............
31, 006. 48
9, 423. 16
21, 583. 32
Western Maryland State Hospital
16, 689. 09
4, 952. 57
11, 736. 52
Central Direction and Services........
110. 50.
110. 50
Mount Wilson State Hospital........
104, 023. 72
39, 811. 28
64, 194. 94
17. 50
Victor Cullen State Hospital............
27, 144. 88
13, 706. 06
13, 438. 82
Henryton State Hospital................
69, 129. 69
26, 891. 43
42, 238. 26
Pine Bluff State Hospital................
10, 074. 32
3, 470. 51
6, 603. 81
Miners Hospital....................................
208, 738. 99
1, 221. 17
. 87
200, 832. 94
6, 684. 01
Department of Mental Hygiene:
601. 89.
201. 89
400. 00
Crownsville State Hospital..............
106, 811. 58
45, 847. 99
59, 335. 14
1, 628. 45
Eastern Shore State Hospital........
24, 373. 26
9, 048. 25
14, 587. 68
737. 33
Rosewood State Training School....
122, 635. 47
42, 938. 66
79, 696. 81
Springfield State Hospital................
153, 498. 61
47, 956. 55
71, 044. 51
1, 320. 55
33, 177. 00
Spring Grove State Hospital..........
140, 681. 79
63, 129. 15
69, 418. 64
8, 134. 00
State Department of Public Welfare:
Headquarters and Public Assistance
15, 778, 877. 51
572, 577. 33
93, 487. 13
15, 081, 518. 68
31, 294. 37
Barrett School for Girls....................
8, 687. 94
4, 198. 00
2, 146. 83
2, 343. 11
Boys' Tillage of Maryland..............
40, 348. 19
18, 562. 03
19, 417. 64
2, 368. 52
Maryland Training School for Boys
36, 297. 48
13, 353. 25
22, 944. 23
Montrose School for Girls................
37, 443. 34
6, 419. 16
12, 622. 12
18, 402. 06
Boys' Forestry Camp — Green Ridge
11, 896. 68,
5, 521. 68
6, 375. 00
Boys' Forestry Camp — Lonaconing
14, 528. 56.
4, 103. 56
10, 425. 00
Boy's Forestry Camp —
New Germany............................
11, 572. 25.
2, 372. 25
9, 200. 00
Maryland Children's Center............
96. 70.
96. 70
Maryland Veterans Commission............
385. 65
385. 65.
Department of Correction:
950. 05.
950. 05
Patuxent Institution......................
3, 173. 50
1, 080. 20
2, 093. 30
Maryland House of Correction........
277, 529. 66
8, 945. 24
55, 569. 73
213, 014. 69
Maryland Penitentiary....................
66, 465. 64
796. 64
38, 593. 98
27, 075. 02
Maryland State Reformatory for
97, 442. 77
8, 190. 64
12, 589. 59
76, 662. 54